About Antoine will be adapted in France

So far no pictures have been taken, but the series About Anthony, Created by ComediHa! And Quebecor content, already purchased in France. Gaumont has actually taken ownership of the show, which was inspired by the life of Podz-produced screenwriter Cathleen Rouleau.

Posted yesterday at 10:27 am

Alexander Wignold

Alexander Wignold

About Anthony It tells the love life of Julie, who becomes the mother-in-law of two children, including Antoine, entitled “The Disabled, the Autistic, the Cognitive, the Verbal and the Hypertensive.”

“Living with a disabled person is like going through great trials, facing a thousand setbacks, endless hope. But living with a disabled person screams in joy at the small success, finds unconditional love and fills the big box of stories every day. Antoine changed my life, the author explains in a press release issued on Monday. I want it to change the whole world. ⁇

Isabelle Degeorges, director of Gaumont Television France, added: “Here disability is not considered a subject, but a part of life. The series says it’s essential, generous, fun, and the real solution to the darkness we can not wait to share with you. ⁇

Press release date not specifiedAbout Anthony In Quebec.

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