Adam Mays has a plan.  “There will be a revolution in this regard.”

Adam Małysz is the only candidate for the position of the new president of the Polish Ski Association. He already has a business plan and a handpicked team of people. – I know who I can trust – says the living legend of Polish ski jumping.

Daoud Jura

Daoud Jura

Adam Malish

WP SportoweFakty/Kacper Kolenda/Pictured: Adam Małysz

Dawid Góra, WP SportoweFakty: Every time we talked about your presidency, you said it was a very difficult decision and you weren’t sure until the end whether you would run for union president.

Adam Małysz, candidate for president of PZN: My wife and daughter hindered me the most. They saw the whole situation at the end of the season in Planica, and they were pissed off about it all [polscy skoczkowie powiedzieli sporo cierpkich słów pod adresem związku – przyp. red.]. But I’ve always had big ambitions and wanted to do as much as possible for this sport.

The situation in Planica has affected you severely.

That’s right, but I’m a man, I carried it on my chest. Discussions about my candidacy lasted six months. People were asked how you saw everything, how the relationship would work, etc.

Who asked?

Current employees of PZN. I don’t want to talk about names.

Then I will also ask. What will your presidency look like?

First, it is unknown whether I will be elected or not. But if that is the case, I will first of all take a look at winter sports globally. Jumping is a leading discipline that brings in donations and sponsors, so I will do everything in my power to continue it and achieve great results. However, note that cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, and snowboarding also offered hope for future success at the Olympics. These disciplines are also beginning to develop. I started to look at them more closely. I see great potential in them, there are people who want to work hard and achieve success. We must find more of these people and work to ensure that they have the best conditions for development.

Watch the video: The cycling legend in Poland warns against the Russians! “There will be a great tragedy”

Have you already chosen your band?

yes. When I decided to run, I had reset my vision – also in terms of staff. I know who I can trust.

Will much change in the relationship?

Something will change, but I’ve been working with people at PZN for a while and we communicate very well, so I think the team that will be closer to me will be joined by people who are already working in the relationship.

So there will be no revolution?

PZN thrived well. Even financially. Things have looked fine over the years, so I don’t want a revolution, but I do want to improve on what’s wrong. Here I mean one thing. Abroad, the situation is that the clubs raise players to an early age, but then they go to the schools of sports leagues, and from there to the national teams. There are relatively few SMS triggers in our crew. You have to look at it, and if you want to call it that, make a revolution.

In addition, competitive sports must be adequately funded. In summary, I want to preserve and improve what was in the next steps. Many things will not happen until after the possible election for president. I don’t want drastic changes, but our sport needs a new spirit.

You’ve always said that you don’t want to be the guy in a suit, and that you’d rather be close to events and players.

Yes, it may be worth redefining the presidency. Less office sitting and business meetings, and more field activity. Sports federations aren’t the organizations they used to be, they’re more of a business, so you can introduce a new style to it.

Will President Apollonius Tajner remain in the relationship?

In the advisory job, sure. I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I know he won’t run for the board. On the other hand, his name is very important in our sport, he has a lot of experience and his advice is valuable.

There are also a lot of changes to the framework. Are you happy with them?

First, we have fresh blood. This means new ways and a different approach. I’ve spoken to Thomas Turnbichler and the other guys on the staff several times – they were very excited about the new opportunity and immediately had an idea of ​​how to put it together. Sometimes they use simple solutions, but you should achieve the best results.

What is your relationship with Kamel Stoch, David Kobaki and Pewter Sheesha?

I had not had a personal encounter with them outside of Szyrk, but I had caught a cold at that time and did not want to expose them to prolonged contact and infection. Such a meeting will be held. We will explain the shortcomings.

Piotr Żyła was shocked after training with Thurnbichler >>
Stoch is happy with the new coach. He noted an important change >>

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