Age of Empires 4 will be updated next week
April 2, 2022, 2:20 pm

author: Patrick Dukasz Kobeck

The map editor, scenario, multiplayer ranked seasons, and balance changes are the most significant changes made to Age of Empires 4 in next week’s update.

.’s first major update Age of Empires IV coming. The Festival of Ages is coming up next week, and with it plenty of news.

Age of Empires 4 with Content Editor

Good news for the fans AoE It is the introduction to the game content editor that will make this possible Make your own maps, change the individual options of the existing ones as you like, and create scenarios.

Thanks to this tool, depositors will be able to spread their wings. For now, the tool will be available in a beta version. You can watch the trailer for the above changes below.

Love Age of Empires IV? You may be interested in these articles:

  1. Age of Empires 4 Review – The Return of the RTS King
  2. Guide for Age of Empires 4

What else will the AoE4 update bring?

With the next update, the Festival of Ages will start too Seasons ranked in multiplayer. The first will last for twelve weeks, and the next will begin in the next few months.

Apart from that, the game will receive some interface improvements and unit balance changes. For many players, this will be a great opportunity to reconsider AoE4It was first shown in October of last year.

More details about the upcoming correction are expected in the coming days. For now, we have a short one announcement Posted by the developers on the official website age of empires.

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