Agnieszka Degant in a bikini. It’s hard to believe she’s 51.

The holiday season is in full swing. Airports, resorts and entertainment centers are under siege, thanks to the famous and popular. There are also people who decided to spend a “mini” vacation. Agnes DegantHowever, the actress is one of the stars who choose slightly more remote and luxurious destinations for their vacations.

This time, the 51-year-old went to France, which she, of course, did not hesitate to brag about on social media. Agnieszka Dygant shared a special video documenting her vacation abroad on the Cote d’Azur on her personal Instagram page, which has already gathered almost half a million viewers. However, the actress did not decide to reveal to Internet users the exact location of the place she visited.

The rest of the article is below the video.

See also: Agnieszka Dygant on building a house. “It’s not easy”

Agnieszka Dygant in Bikini Talks Luxury Vacation

We remember that the actress’s filmography is like a postcard of a vacation, where we can see stunning views, blue waters and exotic plants. During her vacation abroad, the actress not only explored different corners and greatest attractions of the place she visited, but also spent carefree time relaxing by the pool.

Of course, relaxing by the water requires the 51-year-old to wear the right outfit, namely a swimsuit. Agnieszka Dygant decided to show off her slim figure to her fans in a black two-piece modeling outfit during her vacation report, which she shared on social media. Her impressive figure will no doubt be the envy of many of her colleagues, even those half her age.

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What is this luxury vacation, more sun and shade or what???

I was cleaning all day Saturday because I don’t have the energy during the week and now I have some time for myself. Cheers to all the poodle girls and poodle lovers!

I don’t know what you mean, maybe she had a contract, she had money, she had the opportunity to change what bothered her, she looks so good, fresh and not exaggerated, for a 51-year-old woman, many 30-year-olds can only dream of. With more understanding, was she supposed to explain to strangers what she did not accept about herself?

It seems like “Love Me Only” was on TV yesterday and Agnieszka looks completely different there – much worse. I wonder if she’s had her nose done?

These aren’t luxuries, Poodle.

Latest comments (76)

Poor actress. Very crooked legs. Nothing to sign.

One of the few who didn’t waste money and look better after treatment than normal.

I can’t afford Międzyzdroje, so I’m looking for fire protection pools. In frog eaters.

She had always been skinny, but was she attractive? Although it was obviously cute at this age.

So what 🤔 Will the world get better???

There must be an illuminati sign.

It’s a good thing they signed the photos with their name and surname, otherwise I wouldn’t have recognized them.

Only luxuries, sun, shade, beautiful azure sea, well-kept pools, quiet hotel, no heat, crowds in pools and dirty cold Baltic Sea.

maybe one day …..

3 hours ago

Beautiful and wise woman! 😍 I love it!

Why is this model if it is not and will never be attractive?

He fainted once in the Gertich plot where he was.

Mrs. Agnieszka has never been “fat”. She has always been slim. In The Nanny she was pretty and funny. As for comfort – everyone has a different sensitivity to the luxury of comfort. I envy her in a “human” way. Best regards and a pleasant rest

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