Aleksandra Grabowska: My parents made sure that acting never crossed my mind

Like every year, this time Polish viewers saw a new Christmas comedy based on the book by Magdalena Witkiewicz. Tell us in what natural conditions you photographed “Safe in Santa Claus” In a monastery. Anna Fitzur?

Alexandra Grabowska: – Photos were taken in Bielsko-Biała and the surrounding area. We shot the first scenes in December, before Christmas, including at the Christmas market, which was incredibly beautiful, and then we returned to the set after the New Year. We had some snow, which can be seen beautifully on the screen. I have to admit that I barely recognize myself in the role of Agnieszka in the film, because it’s been two years and there’s no trace of my red hair anymore.

This multi-generational Christmas story has many characters. Tell me about Agnieszka?

– Agnieszka has a very close relationship with her grandmother, played by Teresa Lipowska. He wants to spend Christmas Eve with her. Basically, throughout the entire movie, my character is trying to connect with her. Grandma disappears. Rescue mission underway. [uśmiech – przyp. red.] The story of these two women really captivated me when I read the script. It is very warmly written and portrayed as a partnership from the beginning. It was also my first meeting with Lady Teresa, which I remember very fondly. But as it happens in the movie, something is bound to happen that changes the fate of the characters. Due to a blizzard, Agnieszka is stuck alone in a mountain hut, where a man dressed as Santa Claus unexpectedly arrives. Circumstances pushed them into each other’s arms. Trapped, isolated from the world, and the magic of Christmas is everywhere!

Great adventure?

– Yes, but also a great responsibility and test. I hope this story actually makes people smile. It was a real pleasure to be in these amazing Christmas interiors and exteriors.

Are you a fan of Christmas movie stories that combine longing, loneliness, love and dreams, warm the heart and make you smile but also bring tears?

– I admit, I like the movie “Love Actually.” I’m one of those people who watches this production every year during the holidays. It is a love story that was changed by all circumstances. Completed, Missing, Not Found, Tested.

“When you believed in Santa Claus, the world was a better place,” says one character in “Believe in Santa Claus.” Did you believe in the existence of Santa Claus, or rather Christmas, when you were a child?

– In fact, Santa Claus visits children in Krakow on St. Nicholas Day, and Santa Claus visits children on Christmas Eve. I believed it, maybe not for a long time, but I believed it one hundred percent, without any doubt, and that was amazing. Although I had never seen him with my own eyes, because there was no one in the family to do this job, but he came at night, which made him even more mysterious. My brother and I used to leave letters for him on the windowsill, and they would miraculously disappear. My parents, who were amazing, tried hard to get us the gifts we wanted. Now I take over! I try to listen to what people dream about all year long and give them Christmas gifts.

What does the magic of Christmas mean to you?

– Meetings with the family.

Do you always come home for the holidays?

– Yes. This repetition, the certainty that we will meet every year in Krakow, in the same group, at my mother’s house, has great importance for me. I attach great importance to not changing this tradition. I never go out in the sun during holidays. I prepare for the holidays and cook Christmas dishes.

A very responsible and important job.

– Fortunately, my mother and I are neighbors, so the task is not too complicated logistically. I have built many traditions myself because the wonderful women in my family have never been fans of cooking. Ever since I was a child, I wanted Christmas to be nice, and it was, but neither my mother nor my grandmother made dumplings. [uśmiech – przyp. red.] Years later, I started this tradition and my family joined me. I prepare borscht, which I carefully remake every year.

Do you sing hymns?

-While our holidays have culinary traditions, we don’t traditionally sing carols. Music was only introduced to our family through my fiancé, who is also a musician in addition to being an actor.

I guess you always care about Christmas decorations at home?

– Yes! Every year I also baked salt dough angels and gave them to the whole family. But my brother is the keeper of the Christmas tree, which has always been alive and more beautiful than the beauties. The smell of a Christmas tree is something that instantly brings back Christmas memories for me. We have beautiful old ornaments that came with my family from Lviv during the war, and we take them out every year with my mother. They have a special place in our house. Closeness and family accompany us throughout the holiday season. I am very grateful for that.

Grabowski is Krakow’s very nickname – Andrzej Grabowski, Mikołaj Grabowski, Ursula Grabowska, Zuzanna Grabowska, Katarzyna Grabowska…I always wonder how you all can be actors?

– TRUE? What’s more, we’re not related. [uśmiech – przyp. red.]

Do you have a story related to your name?

– Once upon a time I found this similarity of surnames useful in the theater. I worked on a very challenging project, where I was responsible for setting design and lighting direction. There was little time, so there were a lot of nerves. Everyone has treated me with great respect and shown support, which is very nice. It turns out that they were convinced all along that I was the granddaughter of Mikołaj Grabowski, who worked in that theater. Later, we met Mr. Mikołaj while watching Jacek Bromski’s film “U Pana Boga w Królowy Most”.

I wonder where the idea of ​​studying at the Academy of Fine Arts came from?

– I graduated from the Technical High School in Krakow, so I was preparing to study at the Academy of Fine Arts since the age of twelve. My parents made sure that acting never crossed my mind. However, I grew up in theater and cannot imagine life without it. I really like the combination of cinematic acting and purely theatrical scenography. It probably wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for chance. When my parents breathed a sigh of relief, I received an invitation to participate in the first season of “The Teacher.” And in an instant it became clear that I loved this profession! Acting is my complete love and I cannot live without it. I was completely lost.

Belfer, for better and for worse, “the brothers”“Punt” “Mafia Women 2”“Broad Peak”, “Believe in Santa Claus”, “Oh God in Crowley Most” and more recently “Shame”. Tell me about this Rome adventure?

– Last year was a wonderful adventure. I spent almost all of it planning. I moved between Zakopane, Lower Silesia, Warsaw, Gdańsk and Podlasie. I have traveled countless kilometers by train, car and plane, and I am happy with what is happening to me. A project like “Infamia” will probably happen once in an actor’s life. An amazing emotional, aesthetic and cultural experience, but also very intense work. When I watched the first two episodes during a closed screening, I was speechless with joy. It’s very fortunate to be a part of the show and at the same time I feel proud of the work we’ve all done.

– For me, it was a refreshing experience. I went back to high school after six years. I dyed my hair, cut my bangs, and with this physical transformation, stepped into the shoes of someone a dozen or so years younger than me. I also spent some time with the Roma community, with our actors, and it was amazing to be allowed into their culture, into their world. There is a dream scene of Geeta in the show as she is preparing for her wedding. Our gypsy actresses, twelve in number, were asked to sing the songs sung to the bride before the wedding. Zosia Jastrzebska and I stood there completely moved by this scene. Ever since I heard about this project, which was long before I was invited to test the images, I have been very interested in it precisely because of its romantic theme. The Roma are the largest minority in Poland.

The continuation of the series “U Pana Boga”, beloved by viewers, awaits its premiere. How did you like your trip to Podlasie?

– I have never been to Podlasie before. Podlasie is great! Culinary, landscape, cultural and linguistic. The people of Podlasie are wonderful. I confirm. I was three years old when the first part – “At Pana Boga’s Behind the Stove” – ​​was filmed, and twenty-four years later I am part of this film family. Nice to meet you.

Beata Banasiewicz/ACBA

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