Alien: awakening It is the fourth installment of the Alien series, for which the director was responsible for Jean-Pierre Jounieh. The first part directed by Ridley Scott is clearly a classic, as is the second part, directed by James Cameron, and perhaps even the third, performed by David Fincher. The fourth installment of 1997 was more complicated than the previous one, so not all fans of the series liked it.

in 2005 Joss Whedonknown as the director of the film AvengersHe distanced himself from The Awakening as he wrote the script. He stated that Jean-Pierre Jeon “realised it [mój scenariusz] In a horrific way you can’t see it. Now Jean-Pierre Jeunet himself, in an interview with The Independent, referred to these words.

I know Joss Whedon said some bad things about me. I dont care. I know if Joss Whedon made this movie himself, it would probably be more successful. He’s good at making movies for American geeks – and a thing for idiots. I hate these types of movies. They are very silly, very silly.

no thingpress material

As for his final thoughts on his contribution to the franchise, Jonnet added:

I was a little worried when I watched this movie – what if I don’t like it? But no, it was great! I have a lot of shots that I like. For people who don’t like it, all I can say is “Fuck you!”

See also:

The accused - a trailer for the series.  A legal thriller from the makers of 24 Hours and Doctor House
Avatar 2 - new trailer coming soon.  There is a fixed date


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