An hour on the way.  This is enough for the robot to learn to walk

Humans can control other species in many ways, but the pace of learning to walk is clearly not our best. The skills of the new robot are impressive in this regard.

The Morti was designed by engineers from the Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme: Felix Ruppert and Alexander Badri-Sprowitz. The four-legged robot is designed to be able to learn to walk rather than perform a programmed gait. It only takes an hour to complete this task.

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In 60 minutes, he achieved such a high level of fitness that he was able to move without falling. Its pace is so impressive that it can be compared with the results achieved by newborn foals, who are masters of rapid learning to walk. Morty is controlled by artificial intelligence. However, the algorithm doesn’t contain much information about the robot’s legs, and instead mimics the action of neurons that help live animals learn to walk.

Morty is a robot that moves on four limbs

The details of the entire project are shown in the pages The intelligence of nature’s machine. The post describes how AI generates motion instructions. It then adjusts them based on data collected from sensors located in different parts of the robot. This information indicates when the device is experiencing balancing problems. After an hour of trial and error, it turned out that Morty was able to walk independently and without problems.

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These lessons are similar to animal walking lessons, which also improve their balance through their initial stumbles. Interestingly, at first Morti used a relatively large amount of energy, which was associated with processing large amounts of data, but over time there was a noticeable decrease, even 42%. According to Robert, his team is currently working on adding more sensors and increasing the range of motion. As a result, Morty should look more like living things.

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