An unexpected event forced the En direct de l’univers team to act quickly on Saturday

It’s an unexpected occurrence that often happens in television: a guest who has to be on a show that more or less withdraws at the last minute forces the production to “10 cent on” to fill the time. Nothing is known about the final result.

We only see fire in the air, but troopsLive from the universe Often this type of last-minute reversal has to be dealt with. Especially for two years, when a particular virus known as Covid-19 is active, often forcing people to revise their plans without warning!

This was especially the case on Saturday, when a guest – whose identity we must withhold – was supposed to sing in honor of Michael Fugain, the star of the day, who finally canceled his visit due to the loss of his voice.

Currently in the package, group I saw the little tour that France Beaudoin and his gang made to fill the hole left by this unaccounted deficit. With the help of the artists already in the studio, the schedules of the Saturday meeting were reworked during a public rehearsal, from 3:30 pm to 5 pm. And the updated sections fit together harmoniously. A more intelligent person might have spotted a personality flop during the entire show, on set and on screen, with just a few hours’ notice.

Elian Levesque, assistant to the production directorLive from the universe, told us that this kind of regression never happens the same. On Saturday, the team learned that a player was missing at 3 p.m. Final dress rehearsal (rehearsalsLive from the universe spread over two days (Friday and Saturday) usually starts at 3:45pm on Saturday. Typically, by this time, all the content is decided and directed, and the musicians, singers, and surprise guests put together the final numbers to make sure everything is orderly, fluid, and visually “timed” accurate. Live broadcast, 7 pm

But, according to Elian Levesque, a small army of valiant warriorsLive from the universe There is no shortage of resources to store furniture. In 14 years, France and her allies have seen a lot!

We always have multiple options, Plan B. We are not closed. Someone else can come and sing. As we have do-it-all, multi-talented artists, there is no problem. Today was a little easier; Tonight we took another song from our guest’s set and used it with someone who was already on the show. Sometimes there are guests who come in multiple batches, but if they only sing one song, it’s easy to bring them back. Abridged to Elian Levesque.

Popular quiz – almost 200 questions! – Celebrated artists before D-Day can also be a valuable aid in responding to a crisis.

We can go to many corners and play, which allows us to return. There are only questions of rights [musicaux, NDLR] to respect. And, of course, performers must know the song, and it doesn’t take three days to learn it! (laughs) »

A nice gift

Sometimes the unexpected turns out to be positive. Saturday, the teamLive from the universe In the morning I learned that an “extension” of the program will be added to the television time with a twenty-minute live program of Michel Fugain on social networks.

Composer Jean-Benoît Lasanté, who had forewarned of this beautiful gift, was careful to drown out the arrangements for Friday evening, “attention ladies and gentlemen,” and Monsieur Fougain was generous to present to the audience. In a short period of time.

Not knowing the conceptLive from the universeMichael Fugain was particularly emotional at the end of the edition dedicated to him on Saturday. Watch his reaction here.

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