Ancient pyramids from North America.  A mysterious discovery and a former astronomical observatory

The research in this regard was carried out in the Titiles de Avila Castelo area, where there is an archaeological site covered by recent excavations. It is located in the state of Puebla in central-eastern Mexico, and its structures date back 3,000 years. Thanks to the efforts of researchers, they were able to identify objects that remind us of the pyramids.

Read also: A famous archaeological site containing an unknown object. Scientists found it in Sicily

Information on this topic was provided by representatives of INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History). As it turns out, research has been conducted there since 2014, and over the years, excavation participants have identified an area of ​​about 3 hectares that was previously used for ceremonial purposes.

One interesting theory suggests that there was…an astronomical observatory on the site. But what was it used for? Scientists speculate that it may be related to tracking agricultural cycles. The idea of ​​the astronomical nature of this place is supported by the fact that the entire complex appears to be aligned with the mountain ranges around it. The largest object discovered is aligned with the star Canopus, which is the brightest in the constellation Carina.

Interestingly, excavations in this area were carried out not only because of the curiosity of archaeologists. The gradual destruction of the landscape and frequent theft of building materials also contributed. Therefore, appropriate action had to be taken. Scientists took advantage of this opportunity and found three pyramid-shaped structures. In addition, they found fragments of pottery, polished lithium, and carved artifacts made of obsidian and basalt.

Thanks to excavations, archaeologists discovered three pyramids. They believe there may have been an astronomical observatory to track agricultural cycles

Taking into account the abundance of obsidian fragments, members of the research team believe that the processing of this material, commonly used, for example, to produce tools or weapons, could have taken place at the site. The pyramids themselves are a great mystery. Why was it built and who was behind it? The answer to this question should be provided by further planned excavations.

Read also: A Roman fort among our neighbors. This pioneering discovery confirmed ancient suspicions

Some time ago, we reported on the controversy surrounding a certain pyramid scheme from Indonesia. Research on it was not entirely straightforward, and its author claimed to have evidence of a pyramid built 25,000 to 30,000 years ago. However, during analyses, it turned out that this structure did not necessarily have to be built by humans. The most likely scenario suggests that it was created as a result of natural geological processes. In the case of the finds at Titilis de Avila Castillo, a similar alternative seems much less likely.

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