And the winners (or losers) of the Rasis…

Two-time Oscar-winning movie legend Tom Hanks added two of the least enviable prizes to his collection on Saturday, the Razzie Awards, a fun-filled follow-up to the year’s worst films at Hollywood fests.

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“Razis” judged the American actor to be the worst supporting actor signing of the year for playing Elvis Presley’s manager in the biopic “Elvis.”

The film was critically acclaimed, earning eight Oscars – including Best Actor for Austin Butler, who played the “King” of rock ‘n’ roll.

Unfortunately, Tom Hanks’ performance did not receive the same reception. Critics have not been kind to the star, whose physical appearance has been altered with artificial limbs to impersonate Colonel Tom Parker.

“Razzies” also gave Tom Hanks the prize for “worst on-screen couple” and “his latex-filled face (and his ridiculous accent).”

The actor had to at least avoid a win in the worst actor category of the year – for which he was nominated.

His performance in the Disney remake of “Pinocchio,” in which he played Kepetto, was considered worse than that of regular Jared Leto at the Razzie Awards in “Morpheus.”

Marilyn Monroe biopic “Blonde” named worst movie of the year

The Razzies’ official name, the “Golden Raspberry Awards,” was invented in 1981 in a Los Angeles room by former film students and Hollywood professionals.

They are traditionally awarded the day before the Academy Awards.

Accustomed to poking fun at Hollywood gratin, the organizers revealed they were poking fun at themselves this time by presenting themselves with a prize for being named after an actress from childhood.

Ryan Keira Armstrong – then 12 – was nominated by ‘Razzi’ last month for her role in ‘Firestarter’.

Presenting the awards on Saturday, organizers explained that the much-younger star had replaced her in the worst actress category, which she “handily won”.

They are not on their first Fox Pass. Last year, they created a category dedicated solely to shows Bruce Willis deemed disappointing.

Organizers withdrew the award after the actor’s family announced that he had cognitive impairment, diagnosed as an incurable form of dementia.

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