You’re bored with the silly conversations of CorruptionIts carefully selected modown music, Olivia Pope’s chic long lines and a heart-pounding plot of politics, money and corruption?
Released at 7:15 p.m.
Answers: Yes, yes, yes and yes. Because Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) excelled in her work as a gladiator. Without breathing, she talked fast, fast and solved the problems. It was his job. Arrange. Full. Things. And drink red wine from the balloon.
You can see this splashing feeling – and many actors Corruption – In new miniseries Discovering Anna, Anna’s invention Available in French, on Netflix. Super producer Shonda Rhymes, behind the famous soap operas Bridgeton, Corruption, Gray physique And How to escape from murderIdentification Discovering AnnaShort series inspired by the true story of a young hustler who deceived the influential members of the New York jet set.
Who says Shonda rhymes, refreshing pop music, mesmerizing Bling-Bling and strong female characters. after that, Discovering Anna No disappointment.
It is colorful, frivolous, fun and rhythmic. It is like a leaf with a beautiful glossy petal. But less punch than that Corruption And less attractive How to escape from murder.
It is still a quality hobby that attracts two women to their brilliance. One page saw Anna Delvi (Julia Garner,) Oserk), Born Anna Sorokin, describes herself as a wealthy German heir, always dressed as Prada or Alexander McQueen, with large smoky glasses on her nose.
In another, the confused journalist Vivian Kent (Anna Klumsky, saw Weep And My 11 year summerNot to forget), his life has been in a bad way since the publication of an article full of lies.
Anna Klumsky plays journalist Vivian Kent, who seeks to breathe new life into her life by covering Anna Delvy’s survival.
When police fraudster Anna Delvi is arrested in 2017, Vivian sees it as the perfect story to stage her own recovery. Anna deceived and easily deceived the frontiersmen, bankers, art merchants, famous architects, hoteliers and the leading women of the New York elite. By exposing the flaws of these powerful personalities, Vivian blurs the light of her own faults.
But the mysterious brother, polite, charming and cunning, will prove the most difficult thing. Reporter Vivian meets Anna several times in prison to tell her version of this ridiculous affair that takes us to Paris Fashion Week, to a wonderful house in Hamptons, and to a boat in Ibiza.
Vivian, backed by her magazine’s veterans, is so pregnant that Anna becomes obsessed with her Instagram feed and her indescribable accent. The reverse also happens. Anna and Vivian need each other to clarify their reputation. Who will break first?
Discovering Anna Retrieved from a lengthy report by journalist Jessica Presler, which was released in 2018. New York Magazine. Except for a few details, all of the characters you see in the nine-episode series are still there. It was easy to Google Anna Sorokin to find out how she attracted so many important people between 2013 and 2017 – and so much more.
Talk about the terrible Olivia Pope, don’t! That would be an error. A serious mistake. A big mistake that will follow you. To. The. Be. Yours. Life.
StarAc : Will Jeremy leave?
It was not an easy week for Jeremy Plantage Star Academy, Will sing on Sunday evening (again) to stay on TVA’s music reality show. And it smells of elimination to him.
Photo from the show’s Facebook account
Jeremy Blonde
First, a 25-year-old Lewisian was discovered Mixmania2, Who did not take the critique of the authors properly, who wished to break it and were inflexible in his case, according to him. Then, after being informed of his danger, Jeremy attacked his comrade Sandrine’s performance for not saying the right words and “having a better accent” in English. As one well-traveled gossip site puts it: “The Quebec people did not digest little Jeremy’s bad comments, and here’s why.”
Gregory Charles, who was even better this year, was firm and fair to the controversial educator, who often sang out of music during the last season, it must be said. That’s why I like everyday life Star Academy : The Honesty of Gregory Charles and Laura Fabian. These two tell the truth creatively, never meaningless. In short, congratulations on the tough, but rich lessons of course.
Waterloo has been flooded with tears this week. We really felt the weakness of the competitors (everyone was crying) and the pressure that rested on their shoulders. The living of academics is really big. And stress.
For now, Nostradamus is betting on 16-year-old Eloy Cummings and 23-year-old Audrey-Louise Piusjor. However, everything can change Star Academy. You can’t always be good, you have to be good when the time comes, said Rene Angel. That is always true.
“Pop culture practitioner. Award-winning tv junkie. Creator. Devoted food geek. Twitter lover. Beer enthusiast.”