Anna Koechlin vs. Michal Szczerba. Studio clash. “Unparalleled impudence”

Representatives of the Law and Justice Party and the Labour Party will clash. It happened in the “Point of View” programAt the end of the conversation, MP Anna Kuytsin was asked to summarize the discussion for a minute. The Law and Justice MP said that the upcoming increases in electricity and gas prices It’s just the civil platform’s fault..

– The principle of “there is no money and there will be no money” is back with a vengeance, and it will get worse. The increases will lead to inflation. What’s more, they will mean that many small businesses will not be able to cope (…) and extreme poverty is coming. Donald Tusk and the Civic Platform are Synonym for extreme poverty of Poles – I argued.

Political conflict over Polsat News. “Lies and cheating”

Michał Szczerba did not like this kind of narrative. Civic Coalition MEP, responding to MEP Kuytszyn, said that: Synonym of her group is lie..

See: Kaczynski’s “secret” letter. Roman Gertych notifies the prosecutor’s office

– We have seen and heard a representative of this party associated with lies. However, I want to say clearly that what has been happening for eight years is the fatherMajor drain on state-owned enterprisesIncluding energy and gas companies, he said.

Video: Controversy on “Point of View”. It was all about lies

– We saw massive theft in Orlen, PGNiG, and all those companies that were run and some of them are still run by PiS managers, like Obajtek, who They donated PLN 45,000 to the campaign of MP Kwiecień and other politicians. – Added.

Despite the announced break in the program, MP Anna Kojci spoke again. The politician, who was clearly angry at her opponent’s words, denied the information about financing the election campaign of the former head of the PKN party Orlen.

See: Daniel Obajtic came to the House of Representatives. An important announcement was made

– I do not agree with this slander against me and the many lies this man has told. This is just unparalleled impudence. I have spoken to Mr. Obajtik only once in my life. Mr. Obajtik has never donated a penny to my campaign in his life.. Someone like this comes along and insults everyone. liar, cheat – It’s over.


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