Another proposal to raise gas prices is inevitable

Gas tariff increase is inevitable. We will try to make this request so that the price increase is as small as possible for families. Of course, it is up to the head of the ERO to decide on the size of the increase – President Majewski told reporters on the sidelines of Congress 590.

– Certainly, the conclusion will not be like the rise in the price of gas that we are dealing with at the present time on European stock exchanges. This procedure is completely unprecedented and unprecedented to date. This is the result of the actions of Gazprom. “I hope the European Commission will now begin to see what energy blackmail by Russia might look like,” the president added.

When asked when the application will be submitted to the Energy Regulatory Office, he said that the decision on this issue belongs to the head of PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny.

Bawi Majowski reported that gas storage facilities in Poland are nearly 100 percent full. He also added that he had not yet received signals from the largest companies, PGNiG clients, that they wished to reduce gas withdrawals from PGNiG.

In response to a question about the expectations of gas prices in the coming months, he said: “It is difficult to predict at the moment. The situation is difficult for rational analysis because – in our opinion – it is controlled by the policy applied by Gazprom.”

The price hike is very intense. There are days when the price fluctuations are around 10%. We are doing everything possible to ensure the stability of gas supplies to the Polish market. He added that winter is safe.

In mid-September, the Energy Regulatory Office approved a 7.4% increase in gas prices in the PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny tariff. For all tariff groups, subscription fee rates remained unchanged. The PGNiG OD tariff covers domestic consumers only. The change is effective from October until the end of 2021.

This was the third tariff change this year. Earlier, in July, the regulator approved a 12.4 percent price increase. Gas tariffs were also increased in April.

The Energy Regulatory Office announced that the reason for the change in tariffs was the constant increase in gas prices on the Polish Energy Exchange, which has been the main source of gas fuel for PGNiG since the beginning of the year.

natural gas

  • the above

  • Accurate

  • Rate of return – 1T

  • Return rate – 1 million

  • Return rate – 3 million

  • Return rate – 6 million

  • Rate of return – 1R

  • Rate of return – 2R

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