Apartment without a private subscription: who will benefit from the new program?

– It may seem that today no one is thinking about obtaining a loan, but this is not so, despite the decline in lending activity. In the first quarter 50 thousand. shrinkage home loans. The situation regarding interest rates will affect him, and this market will work. Poles often take a long time to get ready to buy an apartment and realize that interest rates change and may even go down at some point – he added.

The principle of the program is that the guarantee may cover up to 20 percent. property values. For lonely people, it is a useful tool Buy your first apartment. Families with two children can keep an apartment of 50 square meters, with three children 70 square meters, and take advantage of the program to buy a larger apartment, while keeping the first – said Buda.

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The program proposed a change to remove the minimum security amount (currently 10% of the property value). – If someone wants to contribute more than 10 percent. Own contribution, will be able to do this. When she has money at 17 per cent. The contribution is the remaining 3 percent. BGK will guarantee – said the minister.

From 2023, we also offer the option to cover up to 25% of loans with a special contribution towards the repayment of family installments. Real estate values ​​in the case of fixed-rate loans. In Poland, fixed-rate loans are only 5%, and in the United States it is 95%. – said Valdemar Boda. First, however, the situation with interest rates must stabilize in his view.

Boda estimates that in the coming years the share of loans with fixed interest rates will reach 25%. The entire housing loan market for individual customers should move in this direction. So far, he added, many banks have not made such an offer at all.

Apartment without private contribution. The program starts on May 26th

– We start on May 26 with the program. Banks sign contracts with BGK, the first of which will be ready to go. We are all counting on it, said the head of the Development Ministry, because it is also an opportunity for banks to increase the volume of loan agreements. It is estimated as part of the program “Apartment without private contribution” More than ten thousand contracts will be concluded each year.

He stressed that the guarantee of the private contribution is to open the way to replace the lease contract with the payment of the individual’s apartment.

For those who do not have their own apartment, or the family has grown and need a larger apartment, there is an opportunity to purchase an apartment on preferential terms, with a guaranteed contribution. This is an opportunity for those who use the lease today, it is relatively expensive. If they have a stable and average income, they can, without their own contribution, enter the program and pay off their apartment – added Buda.

– We have a guarantee that this program will work, and from the perspective of introducing changes, when it is adopted, it will be more attractive – he emphasized.

We assume that most banks will enter this program and sign agreements with Gospodarstwa Krajowego Bank. Then we go to our bank and this offer will already be there – explained the head of the Ministry of Development. This means that interested parties will not have to submit separate applications when applying for a loan.

Boda added that currently the terms of the “Apartment without Special Contribution” program include a maximum guarantee amount of PLN 100,000. zloty. – He stressed that we are analyzing the possibility of increasing this amount.

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