Applications for 500 plus.  Submission of the application by April 30 will ensure that the lightning continues

The 500 plus application must be submitted by April 30 to maintain continuity of benefits payment – remind the Ministry of Family and Social Policy. Since February, parents and caregivers have enrolled 4.7 million children in the Family 500 plus program in the new benefit period.

Starting in early February, parents and guardians can apply for the 500 plus for the new benefit period 2022/2023. According to the data provided to the PAP by the Ministry of the Family, 2.9 million of these applications have already been submitted within two months, covering nearly 4.7 million children. For 4.2 million children, the benefit has already been granted and payment is awaited.

“I encourage parents who want to ensure that benefits continue to be paid, submit their applications electronically by April 30. If the application is submitted by this date, parents will receive their first benefit in the new accounting period by June 30 of this year” – Minister Marlena Mallig states in a statement Sent to the Palestinian Parliament.

In the case of applications submitted after April 30, entitlement to the benefit payment will be determined within a maximum of 90 days.

Applications can be submitted electronically in three ways – via the electronic services platform (PUE) of the Social Insurance Institution, the Emp@tia portal of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy or via electronic banking.

500 orders and last date for payment

If the parent submits the application for 2022/23 by April 30, 2022, the childcare benefit will be granted and paid for June by June 30 of this year at the latest.

The Ministry confirms that in the case of applications submitted from May 1 to May 31, 2022, the determination of the right and the payment of the benefit granted for the month of June and July will be made no later than July 31 of this year. .

When the application is submitted from June 1 to June 30 2022, the accrued benefit for June, July and August will be determined and paid no later than August 31 this year.

If the parent applies for the benefit for a new period after June 30, 2022, the childcare benefit will be paid starting from the month in which the application is made.

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