Are you collecting parcels from the parcel locker? Watch out for E. coli!

Dr. Martina Casella, supervisor of the Microgram Student Science Club at the Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the Medical University of Lublin, spoke about the details of the study. She pointed out that Poland ranks first in the number of parcel machines in the European Union, and second in the world, right after China.

“Parcel machines have become very popular in recent years. Until now, no one in Poland has tried to test these devices for microorganisms. At first, we wanted to check how many bacteria and fungi are on this equipment.

The expert confirmed.

The science club members selected 64 parcel machines from 16 districts in Lublin for the research, with more than 10,000 parcel machines registered. population. They took samples of swabs and prints from touch screens and device buttons, which were then analyzed in the laboratory.

The research shows that the highest microbiological contamination on devices was detected in the following regions: Czuby Północne, Czuby Południowe and Dziesiąta, and the lowest in Bronowice, Chechów Północny and Tatary.

Dr. Martina Casella pointed out that most of them are bacteria and fungi that come from the natural urban environment, are harmless to humans, and settle on the devices with dust and pollen. These are, for example, bacteria belonging to the aerobic bacilli of the genera Bacillus or Paenibacillus, which are naturally present in the atmosphere.

Researchers also found the presence of staphylococcus, bacteria that originate from human skin, which are automatically transferred by touch to the screens of parcel machines.

“We also discovered the presence of so-called opportunistic bacteria, those that can cause infections in people with weakened immune systems. These bacteria were Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus, which can cause food poisoning.

The researcher explained.

In further research, members of the scientific group intend to check the resistance of these microorganisms to antibiotics.

The expert stressed the importance of hand washing in daily infection prevention. “Time is key – about 30 seconds and washing areas that are often overlooked, i.e. between the fingers and under the nails. It is also important not to touch your mouth and eyes with dirty hands,” said Dr. Casella.

This event was carried out with financial support from the Municipality of Lublin, as part of the Lublin Academic Programme entitled “Parcel machines as a source of microorganisms in public space”.

Source: Bab,

#Research #Bacteria #Parcel Lockers

Republic TV

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