Alexa, wirtualny asystent Amazona działający w oparciu o sztuczną inteligencję, naraził życie 10-latki ze Stanów Zjednoczonych. Kiedy dziewczynka poprosiła o "jakieś wyzwanie", Alexa zasugerowała jej włożenie monety do gniazdka. Do tragedii nie doszło dzięki szybkiej reakcji matki 10-latki.

Alexa, Amazon’s artificial intelligence-based virtual assistant, puts the life of a 10-year-old from the United States at risk. When I asked the girl for “some challenge,” Alexa suggested she put a coin in the socket. The tragedy did not happen thanks to the quick reaction of the 10-year-old’s mother.

Alexa – Amazon’s AI has been developed over the years to provide users with better and better access to knowledge and entertainment. Despite the producers’ efforts, viral content available on social media cannot be removed from its memory, which can often lead to tragic consequences.

A serious situation recently happened to a 10-year-old girl who asked Alexa to put together a challenge for her.

Artificial intelligence has challenged her huge popularity on TikTok by placing a 1p coin on the partially exposed prongs of a charger half connected to an electrical outlet.

The so-called “penny challenge” leads to a short circuit. It may also run out Dangerous fire and electric shock.

In this case, the girl’s mother reacted in time. The woman also emphasized that her daughter was so wise that she would definitely not do the job.

The case was made public, thanks to which the Alexa producers removed the Penny Challenge from the device’s memory.

Certainly, this is not the last time that artificial intelligence can suggest a user’s health and “entertainment” harmful to their life. Therefore, when using this type of device, we must not forget about common sense.

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