Battlefield 2042 without its most promoted item.  Big competition remove makers

Tomorrow, a new update will appear on the servers of the latest DICE shooter, the task of which is to fix some bugs. Unexpectedly, the list also included a reference to resigning from giant fights, an item that the Swedish studio promoted.

Update 4.1 to Battlefield 2042 is scheduled for May 19. The developers have reconsidered several smaller changes to improve the player experience, but at the same time the studio confirmed the important news – A company from the All-Out Warfare roster removes the hack for 128 soldiers.

“With this update, we are making some changes to the All-Out Warfare rotation. The main change is the removal of the 128-man version of Breakthrough. When analyzing the gameplay available in All-Out Warfare, we found that 128 player modes are best suited for Conquest, where the game space is Bigger and more convenient for open play. We feel that in Breakthrough for 128 players, the value and impact of the individual player and the team is less due to the intensity of the fight and the chaos of the fight.”

officially? The company realized, more than six months after its premiere, that Breakthrough offers better gameplay in competition on a smaller scale:

“When analyzing the hack, we noticed that the 64-player version offers a more tactical gaming experience. Reducing the number of players helps make gameplay less chaotic, and in addition to reducing the number of combat vehicles available, it means that players are better able to hold the front lines. Players will also have More space to collaborate and do their jobs. As a result, in Breakthrough 64, teams have more options to collaborate, corner the enemy, set the respawn flag, use the “Plus” menu to equip silencers, then clear and hold a point – for example, it helps One team is turning the tide of battle. We believe moving to the 64-player version will restore the pace that celebrates moments of teamwork and struggle for purpose, and we will be watching closely how our changes help improve the quality of the game before the first season begins.”

However, it is no secret that Battlefield 2042 does a terrible job, the servers lack people, so the decision to DICE was made for a simple reason – it is increasingly difficult to fill large maps with real players. A few weeks ago, a great game fan told me that he should give up production because finding matches takes too long, and has a chance to fight bots more often than not.

However, the situation is hopeless, because DICE was using the competition for 128 players to advertise the game. In the Battlefield 2042 expansion for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S and PC maps are much larger, so The developers had to use site variants from the previous generation:

Breach 64 Maps Selected for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S | X is now fixed in size:

– Wrakowisko, Manifesto, Kosmodrome and Kaleidoscope maps version will support 128 players.

– Hourglass, Split, and Renew maps version will support 64 players.

You can find the full list of changes here.

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