Generally, in the absence of a heat wave, the province reports up to 130 sudden deaths in four days. However, from June 25 to 28, at least 233 deaths were reported. Chief Crown Lisa Lapoint warns in a press release that the number is likely to increase further in the coming hours.
The coroners cautiously combine all available information for each of these deaths to determine the cause of death and whether overheating may play a role.
, She writes.
This indicates that exposure to heat can have serious and dangerous consequences, especially for the elderly, young children and those with chronic diseases.
Extraction of June 29, 2021: High temperature: High number
Since the heat wave began Friday, Vancouver and Victoria Police Services and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have received up to 140 calls for a sudden death, mainly in the greater Vancouver area.
Vancouver police have confirmed they have responded to 65 sudden death calls since Friday. He also warns that the balance sheet will continue to rise.
We have never seen anything like this and it breaks our hearts. If there are seniors or vulnerable people in your family, call or leave them to make sure they are OK.
Sergeant Steve Addison writes.
Vancouver police have re-employed several officers to respond to the increase in calls, but warn that delays are expected for the entire metropolis.
On Tuesday, detachment G.R.C.
Barnaby reported responding to more than 34 sudden death calls within 24 hours. For its part, Surrey Detachment confirmed that it responded to 38 calls on Monday and Tuesday morning.The Victoria Police Department confirms it responded to three calls Monday due to sudden deaths in the capital.
Most of the victims are elderly, and G.R.C.
It therefore seeks out all British Columbians and inquires about the health of the elderly around them.In the Burnaby area, three refreshment centers (New window) Corporal and Burnaby RCMP spokesman Mike Kalanch said in a statement that he was inviting people to go there to protect themselves from the heat.
In Vancouver, a dozen refreshment centers (New window) Also available and the fire brigade has installed missing stations.
Blame it on climate change
British Colombian Prime Minister John Hornen said a death sentence report on the number of deaths related to heat in the past few days would be released later Tuesday.
The Prime Minister pointed out that climate change was to blame for the dome of heat that has gripped the province since Friday.
The big lesson to be learned from the last few days is that the climate crisis is not a myth.
All health officials in the province have a plan to deal with the heat wave, Health Minister Adrian Dix recalled, pointing out that the ambulance service has broken the record of calls on weekends.
We must do everything we can to support each other in this heat
, he said.
According to provincial emergency services, paramedics answered 187 calls for heat exhaustion and 52 calls for heat stroke from Friday to Monday.
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