Beata Kozydrac is in hiding.  We know where she disappeared to

Beata Kozydrac (61) She had a difficult year behind her. In September, she was caught driving a car while under the influence of alcohol. The case became so high profile in the media that the singer decided to go into the shadows. Showing her interests is a lawyer who spoke on her behalf in the media.

Beata Kozydrac just decided to break the silence for a moment. Appeared at New Year’s Eve Polsat in Chorzów. It was obvious that she lacked contact with the public.

After New Year’s Eve Beata Kozydrac She fell silent again. We know she threw herself into the business. I hid in the Black Kiss Records studio. Here the greatest songs of Sanah and Daria Zawiałow were created. Here singer Bagmo is preparing to surprise her fans. It will be a new album!

Beata Kozidrak has not officially announced her intentions, but the post from the recording studio leaves no room for doubt. And the sounds of longing for the masses appeared under the picture. They can’t wait for the new album. They kept their fingers crossed for the artist and counted the seconds for her next success.

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