Beata Szydło takes early retirement.  She had to reveal the amount

Even the most Eurosceptic MEP may remember his career in Brussels with a certain amount of nostalgia. Just look at the savings some of them have been able to make over the past few years.

The end of the European Parliament’s term coincides with the obligation of the MPs in Brussels to submit declarations of assets, and the document presented by Beata Szydlo decided to analyze the truth.

Journalists compared the former Prime Minister’s testimony from 2019 and now. Analysis of both documents leads to the conclusion that five years of work in the European Union, which PiS politicians do not like, brought Beata Szydlo a lot of financial benefits.

The rest of the article is below the video

Compared to the previous testimony from 2019, the politician’s wealth has increased significantly. The former prime minister got a new car – and not just any car, because in Szydło’s garage there was a 2021 Audi Q3 worth PLN 180,000.

In addition, savings in the MP’s foreign currency account increased significantly. From the amount declared in 2019 of over 98,000 euros, after five years, Beata Szydło can boast a financial cover of over 135,000 euros.

In addition, the former Prime Minister receives an early retirement pension of PLN 22,000 every month. 796 Polish złoty and 96 Grozy. When he turns 63, he will also receive a European pension totaling PLN 16,000.

Fact journalists also draw attention to the change in the politician’s approach to conscientiously completing European documents. Whereas five years ago her declaration of assets was sloppily handwritten and the public accused her of not being able to read it, the MP has now completed the document on a computer, leaving no doubt as to its content.

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