BI: URE has not agreed to the tariff increases proposed by the energy companies.  She was gigantic

PGE in turnpresented by Tauron Sprzedaż, Enea, Energa Obrót, E.ON and Tauron GZE conclusions lowest Energy Regulatory Office To agree to tariffs for the next year. Formally, it is not known – how much they amounted to, but Business interested Unofficially, it was learned that it ranged from 180 to 200 percent. Raphael Gawain considered it too highly and ordered corrections.

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The Office of Energy Regulation rejects the increases proposed by energy companies

What exactly are the increases? Now, average price energy For households, it’s PLN 414 per megawatt-hour (MWh), and after those changes it’s about PLN 1,200/MWh, Business Insider reports. However, the intervention of the head of the Energy Regulatory Office may not significantly reduce this huge amount, because after checking it, the companies reduced the tariffs by only about PLN 100.

Let us remind you that these increases will not apply in reality familiesBecause the government has frozen electricity prices for them from last year’s level. However, up to certain consumption limits will apply:

  • up to 2000 kWh per year – for all families,
  • up to 2.6 thousand kWh per year for families with disabilities,
  • Up to 3,000 kWh per year for families with large family capacity and for farmers.

For households exceeding consumption limits, the maximum price should be PLN 693/MWh. Despite this, families may incur additional costs costs related to the catastrophic situation in the energy market Electricity. Experts from Forum Energii point out that as a result of the return of the excise tax and the previous rate Value added tax Bills will go up next year.

More information from the state can be found at home page

Electricity will be more expensive next year anyway

“A freeze on electricity prices in 2023 will not protect any of the groups receiving from high bills. The return of the excise tax and the old VAT rate will increase costs by 20-60 percent. To pay less – you need to save energy and accelerate investment in efficiency energy” – We read.

You can read more about it in the following article >>>

So why is there such a dispute between the companies and the Energy Regulatory Bureau over the amount of the tariff? Well, on its basis, compensation will be calculated that will go to sellers. for sale Electricity According to the limits, companies are entitled to compensation, which is the difference between the tariff set for 2023 and the rates stipulated in the law.

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