Big Brother Govt and Star Epidemic

The Omigron variant continues to affect two major reality shows in Quebec. Five comedians, after comedian Eddie King Big Brother Celebrities – Out of a total of 17 people – Covit-19 was caught, which forced the production to rearrange the home-studio to separate the sick from other healthy players, well-connected sources tell me.

Released at 7:15 p.m.

Six cases of COVID-19 within the cast Big Brother Celebrities I was informed, however, that Di Nou did not prevent further shooting at a warehouse in Anzo, east of Montreal Island. Five disabled people are Martin Wachon, Michael Desrochers (my favorites), Lysen Richard, Valerie Carpentier and Stephanie Harvey.

On the side Star Academy, The first Sunday ceremony was postponed for another week because at the beginning of the week six academics were declared positive for Govt-19, bringing the number of affected contestants in a group of 19 to ten. It’s starting to look like this. Herd immunity.

According to my information, the director Star AC, Laura Fabian is also ill, which neither her press officer Jr. Bombardier can confirm nor deny. The first Sunday gala of the popular talent show is now scheduled for January 30 at 7 p.m. With the drastic measures taken since the outbreak and the number of candidates already suffering from COVID-19, “this is unlikely to require further adjournment,” TVA said in a statement.

Déferlantes producers Jean-Philippe Dion and Benoit Clermont and TVA management also declined interview requests on Wednesday. A week-long trip from Star Academy Cost in the Millions, Jean-Philippe Dion revealed during her appearance on the special show on Monday evening Tower By Patrick Huard

Again Big Brother Celebrities, The increase in cases divides the game into two categories: the cowards who enter the boss’s room with the adjoining bathroom and the negatives that form in the other house-studio. The two groups did not mix. You will find this clear section – and the application of the new health rules – in the episode Big Brother Celebrities Nuvo will relay Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

Apparently, a victim participant, like comedian Eddie King, always has the opportunity to go to the hotel and return healthy without penalty.

However, five people with Covid-19 disease chose to restrain themselves in front of the cameras in their isolated shelter. They are all fine.

According to the Nuevo Channel, 17 leaders Big Brother Celebrities Adequate vaccinations were given and, most likely, Kovit-19 was caught “before the shooting started”.

Eddie King is a kind of patient zero Big Brother Celebrities. The 39-year-old comedian showed symptoms including a high fever a few days after appearing on Nuevo’s star reality show.

According to his manager Franசois Simard, Eddie “followed all the instructions” of the isolation protocol requested by the producers. Big Brother Celebrities. He did not know where and how his client became infected. Honestly, we will never know for sure.

Photo from the show’s Facebook page

Director of Star Academy, With two editors, Laura Fabian, Kyleine Tremble and Gregory Charles

Unlike singers Star AcademyIsolation has been imposed on soldiers who have been detained at the hotel for more than two weeks Big Brother Celebrities The army was low, so to speak. However, the contestants were subjected to a number of trials, and show host Mary-Mai would open the doors of the show to them. Only Stéphane Fallu had a positive result at the time.

Star Academy And Big Brother Celebrities Large machines that are already difficult to operate at normal times. Now imagine all the confusion caused by the presence of Govit-19 in these sets.

This is an endless puzzle. It is a Damocles sword that hangs permanently over the heads of two production groups.

Also, the spread of this is almost a miracle Big Brother Celebrities Not stopped by the dosage of Omigran. Novo’s reality show now runs on two sealed bubbles. Martin Wachon, Michael Desrochers, Valerie Carpentier, Lyson Richard and Stephanie Harvey have camped in the boss’ room and recycled into a health center. There are also 11 other survivors of the virus.

With determination, the health of competitors is placed at the heart of the results with good reason. We are not going to send a member of Comic Guys or Avengers to the hospital for a veto.

Now, it is clear to me that “disease” encourages the formation of alliances and inactivates others. This is an unprecedented medical turning point that fits perfectly into this unrealistic start to the year we are experiencing. Nothing other than the success of Valerie Carpentier seems to surprise me today. That would be straightforward science fiction.

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