Big changes are coming to the moon.  Scientists appeal to earthlings

Since the first time he set foot on the moon Neil Armstrong July 21, 1969 marked 54 years. This is long enough to notice the first changes in the environment. Over the past decades, the human presence on the Silver Globe (including by rovers) has increased. together Human pressure on the lunar environment is becoming increasingly stronger.

Certainly we cannot currently say that our satellite is an original place. Moreover, it will get “worse” in the coming years as space agencies around the world want to start/continue/increase exploration Our closest cosmic neighbors.

Therefore, a group of scientists decided to start discussing the introduction of a new era on the moon.

Scientists, who saw that humans had become the dominant force influencing the lunar environment, concluded that It is necessary to introduce a new era, the Lunar Anthropocene.

The idea seems quite unusual, especially in the context of the existence of a celestial body other than Earth. Is this the result of space conquest? Interestingly, scientists do not suggest the beginning of a new era as the first famous human imprint on the silver ball, but… Landing of the Russian Luna 2 probe in 1959.

It should be noted that some scientists have pointed out for many years that we are also living on the blue planet (for at least dozens of years) in a new era – Anthropocene. The beginning of this period on our planet is controversial, as some believe that it begins with industrialization, that is, the industrial revolution, while others believe that the beginning must be sought in the beginning. Nuclear tests.

As Dr. Justin Holcomb of the Kansas Geological Survey at the University of Kansas says: “The idea is very similar to the Anthropocene debate on Earth — examining the extent of human impact on our planet.” The consensus is that the Anthropocene on Earth began at some point in the past, either hundreds of thousands of years ago or in the 1950s.

He adds: – We also claim that on the moon The Lunar Anthropocene has already begunBut we want to prevent serious damage or delay identification until we can measure a large human-caused lunar corona, which may already be too late.

Researchers state that humans have already made themselves home in almost every corner of the Earth. Wherever we go, we leave evidence of our existence. It is no different with the moon.

With every lunar mission, humans leave behind tons of inoperable equipment, trash, and even… feces (manned missions). but The most striking evidence of human activity is the creation of craters on the surface of the silver ball.

The so-called human craters are formed, among other things, as a result of the impact of multi-ton equipment (such as part of a rocket) on the surface of the Moon. Recently there has been a lot of talk about two craters on our satellite (18 meters and 16 meters in diameter), which were formed as a result of an accident The impact of the remains of a Chinese space rocket.

As Holcomb says: – Cultural processes began to overtake the natural background of geological processes on the Moon. These processes involve the movement of sediments we call “regolith” on the Moon. Typically, these processes include, but are not limited to, meteorite impacts and mass movements. However, when we take into account the impact of rovers, landers and human movement, they disturb the regolith significantly. In the context of the new Space Race, the lunar landscape will be very different in 50 years.

Scientists note that, contrary to popular belief, humanity has caused more changes to the Moon than we think. The pressure created by humans could damage the unique and delicate lunar environment, including itself Water ice reserves The exosphere is thin.

Moreover, we can still enjoy watching the first explorations of another cosmic body (such as footprints). In the future, as we develop, among other things, Lunar tourismThese private places may not be clear.

-As archaeologists, we see footprints on the moon An extension of humanity’s journey out of Africa and a major milestone in the existence of our species. These effects are intertwined with the overall narrative of evolution. In this context, we are trying to interest not only planetary scientists, but also archaeologists and anthropologists who do not typically engage in discussions of planetary science, Holcomb says.

The results of the research were published in a scientific journal Natural earth sciences.

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