Black Panther: Wakanda in My Heart movie review

Note: The text includes spoilers!

The world in 2020 was shocked by the information about the death of Chadwick Boseman. Then Marvel made the decision not to choose another actor to take on the role of T’Challa. He decided to kill this hero. From here you will start Black Panther: Wakanda is in my heart. We know that the King of Wakanda has a sick heart and no one knows how to heal it. Even his illustrious sister Shuri (Letitia Wright), who can work miracles thanks to new technology, cannot save him. The nation loses its ruler and plunges into despair. At the same time, UN countries accuse Wakanda of not sharing Vibranium resources. France even attacks one of its scientific institutions to steal valuable materials. And this, as you might imagine, will not be appreciated by Queen Ramunda (Angela Bassett). The governor decides to send a clear signal to the world that her son’s death has not weakened Wakanda.

I have the impression that the director and screenwriter Ryan Coogler He was put in a rather uncomfortable position. He had to come up with a story saying goodbye to T’Challa and Chadwick Boseman himself, while at the same time continuing to tell the story of the Black Panther. While honoring the late actor and his character is very good, the rest are facing a lot of problems. Coogler introduces new heroes and plots very quickly. I get the impression that he doesn’t know exactly what to do with them. The best example of this is the character of Riri Williams (Dominic Thorne), which is forced into the plot only to make us see Iron Man’s successor in the Iron Heart costume. His influence on history is minimal, and in fact, no other scientist could ever take his place. The same unfortunately is the case with Everett Ross (Martin Freeman), which is to be the basis of an entirely different story. The movie has nothing to lose if there are no scenes with this character. There are many such nods to the stated and unannounced projects here. too much! As a result, production is slightly disrupted. There was not enough time to develop important themes and a better presentation of the main characters. Let’s take Shuri who is supposed to be the main character in this part – the one who will succeed her brother and dress up as the Black Panther, whether she likes him or not. It has a lot of anger. He wants to avenge his brother’s death. Just no one is explaining to us why. What does the world have to do with T’Challa’s ailing heart? If even a genius like her couldn’t find a cure, could anyone else? Did the king turn to another person for help and he was refused? We don’t know anything about this. The heroine gives the impression that she is a dissatisfied child who did not get what she wanted from her parents. Suddenly the whole world has gone bad and he must be punished. I get the impression that due to the multiplicity of themes, Coogler devoted quite a bit of time to this heroine and her development. We didn’t get to know her better. As a result, it is very messy and unbelievable. A similar problem appears in the story of General Okoye (Danny Gurira), which is dealt with and in many places is meaningless.

Unfortunately, the great and powerful Wakanda was not properly displayed. When this country defended itself against Thanos, it had a huge army attesting to its strength. Now they send a group of about 50 (and ill-equipped) warriors to war with the enemy country. It’s as if everyone has suddenly forgotten the technology they use and the opportunities it offers them. We have two big two-nation battle scenes in this movie, but they look weird to say the least. There was either an inconsistency or a budget for the extras.

However, I am pleased with Namur’s character in the performance Tenoc Huerta. He is not a copy of any other hero in the MCU. He is a full-blooded ruler with a clear message to the world. He rarely shows feelings and does not give in to them. He is rather calm, but will stop at nothing when he wants to achieve his goal. He is quite primitive, but – as I understand – this is also his way of thinking. “You are with us or against us” – there is no other choice. Blinded by the will to defend his country and its people, he did not think rationally and rushed to the most powerful country in the world, Wakanda. Namur defends herself in a stunning and visual way. I had some concerns about how the wings of his ankles look and the way he moves on the screen, but it didn’t cause many scratches. He is a powerful fighter, and at the same time a clear introduction of mutations in the MCU. I wonder how this will be implemented further.

Angela Bassett must also be commended for her great acting. Queen Ramunda in her version is a strong woman who will not let anyone stand on her head. We get some emotional and memorable speeches. Interestingly, he addresses them not only at the United Nations, but also to his state. I love the way Bassett shaped this character. Feel like a real leader who didn’t sit on the throne by chance.

Black Panther: Wakanda is in my heart It looks great both visually and musically. The photos by Autumna Durald Arkapaw and Ludwig Göransson’s pieces are great. Beautiful locations have been selected! The traditions of the Wakanda people were perfectly displayed. These are the strengths of this production – which is why viewers love the first part and praise the next. I also like the way the Kingdom of Namura or Talukan is depicted. Marvel went in a completely different direction than DC as it showed Atlantis in Aquaman. The focus here is on modernity, not on recreating the underwater Middle Ages. Talukan is teeming with life, even though it is a completely dark place – after all, it is a deep underwater city. It is an interesting and original direction. Unfortunately, the creators do not allow us to enjoy the underwater city. They prefer when the action takes place on the surface.

The latest Marvel studio movie might not have disappointed me, but it filled me in in some places. It took a certain consistency and a more interesting drive for the character than him. The final chapter is full of understatements and unfinished plots, which are likely a precursor to other studio projects. This approach is starting to tire me out. I’d like the new products Kevin Feige suggests not to be the starting points for another D+ series or movie. I liked it when we got ads like this backstage after the credits. I’m sorry to say that Black Panther: Wakanda is in my heart It didn’t give me as much fun and entertainment as the previous part.

Black Panther: Wakanda is in my heart

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