Bob Rafelson is dead.  The director was 89 years old

Jolene Wolfe, who worked with Bob Rafelson for 38 years, stated that the director passed away “peacefully, surrounded by his family.”

Who was Bob Rafelson?

Bob Rafelson co-created, among others “Five Easy Pieces” with Jack Nicholson and the TV series “Monkees”.

He collaborated, among other things, with Bert Schneider, who died in 2011 to found the Raybert production company, which later became BBS. He was a big behind-the-scenes force in films like “Easy Rider” in 1969 and “The Last Picture Show” in 1971.

Rafelson also directed the music video for Lionel Richie’s 1983 song “All Night Long (All Night).”

source: “diverse”

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