Boca Gdynia Bridge: when will the works be completed?

We photographed the progress of the bridge's construction in the week before Christmas

Being built in Gdynia Bridge along Boca Streeta map It takes shape, as you can see in our video. In recent days, supports were installed to hold the steel arch structure together. Works will continue in 2024 on the other side of the bridge.

The bridge in Boca should be ready within a year. Extensive work is currently underway to create a crossing to facilitate crossing of the tracks on Boca Street.

In recent days, the upper support of the system's steel cages has been installed to assemble the steel arch structure on one side of the bridge.

After the new year, work will continue on the other side of the structure.

The bridge is forming

The bridge is slowly taking its final shape, but the investment and surrounding areas will be ready at the end of next year.

The entire structure is 185 meters long and 18.15 meters wide. There will be one traffic lane in each direction, in addition to a bicycle path no less than 2 meters wide, and next to it there will be a sidewalk 1.5 meters wide. The structure will be protected by protective barriers. Lighting will be implemented using LED technology.

The sewage and rainwater system, as well as the power, heating and water supply networks, will also be completely changed. Some of this work has already been done.

Behind the bridge on street. Pucka is paid by PKP

The bridge is being built under an agreement between PKP PLK and Gdynia. The document signed in fall 2019 obliges PKP to finance construction.

However, PKP does not cover all costs. Responsible for the section within the railway area. In return, the city pays for the construction costs of the remaining infrastructure, including roadway elements such as roads, sidewalks, bike paths and retaining walls, and half of the investor's oversight costs.

Compensation will also be paid to the owners of buildings scheduled for demolition from the city budget.

  • Total investment cost: PLN 78,970 million in total.
  • Artist: Strabag.
  • Completion date: November 2024.
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