Boguslav Linda admitted the truth about his sons.  That’s why they’ve been hiding their faces for years

Boguslav Linda He met his girlfriend Lydia Popil in 2000. The model turned out to be the love of his life. They have been a close-knit couple for nearly 25 years and have a daughter named Alexandra. In an atmosphere of great happiness, few people remember that before the lovers met, the actor was the husband of another Lydia, and his first marriage brought him happiness in the form of twins, Michel and Mikowai.

The men were born in 1979, which means they are already 45 years old. Little is known about them because they do not appear on social media and care about their privacy very much. However, as Boguslav himself admitted, They certainly did not follow in his footsteps.

In an honest interview with “The Truth”, Boguslav revealed this What do adult children from a first marriage do? It turns out that the twins are special policemen and their job has certain requirements.

“They have to hide their faces,” he revealed.

Alexandra, Boguslaw’s daughter, took a different path. She has starred in famous productions, for example “Psy 3. In the Name of Principles” or “Totem”. In a conversation with Beljada, she emphasized that she was proud of her father, but was trying to achieve success on her own.

“I’m a different person. I have a different idea of ​​life, different things have shaped me and I look at the world differently. If we don’t want to be compared to other people, why should we compare them to ourselves?” […] She expressed that everyone is someone’s daughter or someone’s son.

Alexandra Linda He is 32 years old and Compared to his brothers, he is not afraid of the spotlight. In an interview with Beljada, she said that she only likes photojournalists who try to invade her private life.

“Believe me, I don’t want to cause confusion in the media. […] I’m simply breaking rules and patterns, and that makes people uncomfortable because they’re used to something different. Throughout life, someone is subject to them. I don’t want it that way. Moreover, I am a humble and laughing girl, with whom you can joke in private, but who also listens and does everything to make the other person feel appreciated and fully accepted in my company.”

In the same interview, she confirmed that she avoids reading messages about herself.

“For 10 years, I have not once reviewed what is written about me on the Internet. And I do not intend to change it. I have no need to do that. I do not want to put pressure or allow negative energy to enter my life,” she revealed.

Bogusław Linda’s entire family seems to have a slightly specific approach to online life…

Read also:

Bogusław Linda announced a painful separation. Fans are in disbelief

Boguslaw Linda had an affair with the icon of Polish cinema. Things didn’t go well

Wolszczak, Dębska, Wendzikowska and Linda: the stars at the opening of a trendy place

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