Britney vs. Spears (2021) – movie review and opinion [Netflix]

There is hardly a person in the world who has not heard of Britney Spears. In 1998, as a young girl, she topped the music charts with her debut album “Baby One More Time”, which sold like hot cakes. Over the years, newspapers published more photos and interviews, radio stations broadcast songs from the following albums, concert tours attracted millions of fans. Britney is a brand that just can’t go away – even when faced with life’s toughest moments and breakups. This assumption was likely made by James Spears, who in 2008 assumed full legal and personal control of his daughter.

Britney vs. Spears (2021) – movie review [Netflix]. #FreeBritney

Britney vs. Spears (2021) - movie review and opinion [Netflix].  the singer

At the end of 2007, the world was surrounded by powerful images showing the pop star in really bad shape – in the face of a protracted divorce and struggle for children with Kevin Federline, the paparazzi did not give up and followed her every step, and this must have left an imprint even on such This veteran woman, she meanders show business to someone like Britney. Later, the artist was hospitalized and placed under guardianship, and her father, James Spears, assumed legal custody of every aspect of her life. The case has dragged on for more than 13 years – at that time, representatives of the singer’s father and a court-appointed attorney asserted that Spears was unable to make an independent decision whether to handle daily activities and guardianship was necessary to protect her. After a sensation from the New York Times journalists’ “Who Framed Britney Spears” material, it became clear that the media was not going to give up on the topic. The hashtag #FreeBritney was gaining more and more popularity in social media, more and more figures in the entertainment industry expressed their support for the singer, and the next document created for NYT (“Controlling Britney Spears”) debuted recently, and the day after the premiere at Netflix’s new documentary, A hearing took place that gave a chance for a fresh start, as it immediately suspended guardianship.

The document under review was written by Irene Lee Carr in collaboration with journalist Jenny Iliescu. The picture focuses largely on the beginnings of disability, the reasons for the court’s decision, and presents the following years, arranging the events and providing a chronological description of the events. The Netflix production analyzes not only court decisions, but also Spears’ burgeoning career – concert tours, shows in Las Vegas or participation in the X-Factor show. Thanks to the material, we learned that the documents that are the basis for approval of the impotence of the pop princess include references to dementia (in a 27-year-old woman) confirmed by a psychiatrist, or various procedures that did not end successfully, and related not only to the removal of guardianship, but also to changing Lawyer.

“Britney vs. Spears” is a picture that evokes very strong emotions, and at times it is downright horrifying. Money seems to give strength, while for 13 years the singer was like a slave – deprived of the right to self-determination, the ability to make even the smallest decisions (such as whether to get a credit card, meet friends, buy gifts for children or go to a restaurant), he became a machine To earn money for my parents, a whole group of specialists and lawyers. Unfortunately, the attorney who would represent Spears and file claims on her behalf was more interested in examining the exorbitant fees that regularly appeared on his account. For many years, the woman tried unsuccessfully to change the actor. Although caregivers emphasized that Britney was unable to function independently, required psychologists and psychiatrists, and required a variety of medications, the intense work and the earning of millions did not negatively affect her health. During the indicated time, Spears recorded several albums, toured widely and performed regularly in Las Vegas, while it took up to an hour to decide if she could go out for a hamburger.

Britney vs. Spears (2021) – movie review [Netflix]. The reports do not bring anything new to the case

Britney vs. Spears (2021) - movie review and opinion [Netflix].  Document authors

The investigative journalists certainly sided with Britney Spears – and her situation undoubtedly sets a precedent that there are significant holes in the American legal system. The artist lost many years of her life and is a victim of inappropriate court decisions. The best documentaries must answer the questions that bother viewers and present the reality they describe in the most complex way, including two sides of a coin. while The peer-reviewed match between Britney and Spears is somewhat biasedAnd, after the show ends, she wonders why everyone involved in America’s favorite trusteeship state, with James Spears at the helm, has yet to be brought to trial. It turns out that With Britney, no one was hanging out – She was blackmailed for being deprived of her children’s rights, her medication doses were manipulated in every convenient situation (there was a division into “working days” and “days off”), and her social media appearances were semi-organised. I must admit that I missed getting to know even the smallest behind-the-scenes perspective of the singer’s father, and his routine statements made on the recordings did not bring much to the matter. The statements of the psychiatrist, whose signature appears in the artist’s medical documents, also cause great disappointment.

The Netflix show has a strong message and is very exciting, although over time it becomes difficult for the creators to maintain a strong tension. For viewers who did not know the case, the document will show the great suffering and loneliness of the American woman, because above all the whole situation lacked real and sincere help. However, I must admit that the document will not reveal much for the beneficiaries after the press reports, since much has already been said about it. However, this is a solid production, which over 90 minutes provides notes from medical records, previously undisclosed news or court findings, and the authors have great respect for Spears. The final footage was filmed in September of this year, so it’s a pity that the premiere of the document wasn’t waited until the last hearing. As a result, we have a feeling that the story is not complete and that there is no happy ending.

Netflix boasts an extensive catalog of very good, reviewed documents Britney Contra Spears Not much different from them in quality. If you want to delve into the meandering of the artist’s 13-year drama, the production is made just for you.

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