Bucharest.  Suddenly the council member opened the camera.  Immediately after leaving the shower |  world News

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The accident occurred on Friday morning. Alberto Jusuf Karian, a member of the Social Democratic Party Council, attended the Bucharest Council meeting remotely. At some point, the chief asked him to speak. Then the camera was turned on on his computer.

Romania. Suddenly the council member opened the camera

The council members saw a naked Karayan who had just come out of the shower – he was wet PoetryWater was dripping from his face. This scene caused an explosion of laughter in the hall. The chief was also amused.

At one point, someone yelled for the councilor to turn the camera off. – But I can’t hang up, I can’t hang up, I’m so sorry. I have a cold, but I don’t know how to hang up, the man repeated, clearly confused.

And according to Romanian media, three hours After this incident, the council member resigned. The Social Democratic Party reported that “after an unfortunate incident (…) Alberto Yusef Karian resigned”.


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