Budget 2022 – The government adopted the draft budget law.  Assumptions – GDP, Inflation, Deficit, Revenue, Expenditure

The government has adopted the draft Budget Law for 2022. Budget revenues amount to 475 billion PLN, expenditures to PLN 505.6 billion, and the deficit to PLN 30 billion.

– Cabinet approved the draft budget for 2022 – Finance Minister Tadeusz Kosinski said during the press conference on Tuesday.

Draft budget for 2022

According to the draft budget, budget revenues will amount to PLN 475 billion, expenditure to PLN 505.6 billion, and the deficit to PLN 30 billion. According to the draft budget law, GDP growth in 2022 is expected to reach 4.6%. Compared to the 4.9 percent expected this year.

– Deputy Finance Minister Sebastian Skoza said during the conference – that the project takes into account the effects of the implementation of the Polish order, but does not take into account the effects of the implementation of the National Reconstruction Program.

The draft states that the state’s public debt in 2022 will reach 42.6 percent. GDP will decrease from 45.1%. GDP in 2021 is 47.8% GDP in 2020. The general government debt is 55.5%. gross domestic product.

Retirement and disability benefit index as of March 1, benchmark index is expected to reach 104.89 percent.

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Budget and Forecast for 2021

– The budget deficit of 2021, assuming the implementation of all budget expenditures, is estimated at 13 billion PLN – Deputy Finance Minister Sebastian Skoza said during the press conference on Tuesday.

A deficit of 82.3 billion PLN is planned in the budget law for this year.

– Budget revenues will be higher than planned by about PLN 70 billion, there are also higher payments from the profits of the Polish National Bank (Narodowy Bank Polski – ed.), We also get good income from the sale of carbon dioxide emissions rights – said Sebastian Skoza.

The Ministry of Finance also raised its GDP growth forecast for this year. The draft budget bill for 2022 states that GDP growth for this year will be 4.9%. The 2021 budget law provided for a 4% increase.

Main image source: stock struggle

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