Caity Lotz from Legends of Tomorrow as martial arts champion. Lockdown Trailer

Tiger Style Media wants to remind movie lovers that good movies with great fights are also produced in the USA. Four titles have been created as part of their project: Lady of Scorpions, Kung Fu Games, Art of Eight Limbs I ClosingEach will be available to watch in theaters in the United States, and shortly thereafter on VOD platforms.

The press release states that each actor in these films showcases their unique martial arts skills on screen. The producers stress that none of them used doubles. Here’s why Katie Lotz Played a major role in Full closure For the first time, he can show what has not been fully exploited in popular series. Legends of TomorrowFew viewers know that he has been training in Taekwondo, Wushu, Krav Maga, Muay Thai and the Filipino martial art Escrima for years. He also has advanced parkour skills, which he is constantly improving. She accompanies him on screen Leo HowardWho we remember from his role as young Snake Eyes in the movie GI Joe: Cobra TimeHe specializes in Shorin-ryu, which he has been training since he was four years old, and has won three world championships in this martial art.


The Lockdown – Premieres in the US on VOD on August 27. Other movie trailers:

Art of Eight Limbs – zwiastun

Lady of the Scorpions – Trailer

Kung Fu Games – Trailer


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