Catarzina Figura confirmed the exciting news!  However the rumors are true!

Catarzina Figura is pleased that a film like “The End” has been made, because it touches on many taboo topics. In her opinion, no Polish production has so far clearly presented the mechanisms that govern the “red carpet”.

– In “The End” I play an episodic, but I think it’s very interesting, because I portrayed him with a great deal of improvisation, as if I was about to be a fictional character, but also as Catarzina Figura, Catarzina Figura told Newseria Lifestyle.

The aim of the film, directed by Thomas Mendes, was to reveal the scenes of show business. The creators wanted to prove that the blind pursuit of fame and money does not lead to any good. Family and friends are left aside, and sometimes you have to pay the highest price for visible success.

– It’s nice that a movie like this has been made, in addition to those tough times of pandemic and isolation. I think that there was no such production, there was no talk of these topics. A few days ago, my daughter suddenly appeared in a movie from the ’90s for me – “The Game” with Michael Douglas – and it was incredibly connected. I think we may have grown up and are finally able, I’m talking about us, Poles, to encounter certain patterns and certain activities that we enter that are not necessarily good for people – says Catarzina Figura.

The actress recalls that due to the restrictions related to the epidemiological situation, film producers had to exploit loopholes in which they could afford more. Then try to manage this time as efficiently as possible and make up for all the arrears.

– My only filming day for “The End” was in August last year, so we were open for a moment, so we were in the middle. At the same time, I was shooting two or three more films, so it turned out to be very good. I don’t know what will happen in the fall, at the moment we should be happy that cinemas and theaters are open, and we can act, because it may be different in a moment. Meanwhile, without culture, we will simply fail – he says.

Catarzina Figura notes that the time of the pandemic and related changes in daily functioning have forced many people to reflect on and re-evaluate their lives. He also explained that the things that seem to us priority and that we pay a lot of attention can become completely unimportant in an instant.

Solitude forced us to spend a lot of time on ourselves and it was very cool. I think we’ve also seen exactly what we need in life and what’s not, who’s needed, who works and who doesn’t, where is the truth and where is the falsehood. But of course, at some point, when everything was frozen, that is, we actors could not play in theaters and had no work, everything was frustrating. And without my job, without acting, I simply die, as a result of which the receiver dies, the audience also – says the actress.

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