Challenger: What is this weekend schedule of the television reality show |  Series of stars |  Fame

”, A reality show that aired on the Los Estrellas channel on Sunday, August 15, has become a favorite of the Mexican public, playing the show every Sunday to see different presentations and meet deleted participants.

More info: Itado Control on the relationship between Lucero and Mijares

But viewers play an important role in every broadcast because after the fight, the general public will make the maximum decision through the voting system. “They vote for the challenger or champion, and whoever gets the benefit, they still have a chance to reach one lakh pesos and increase this number next week and face the big wallet,” Ruben Kalindo explained.

There are three luxury juries in the Mexican project, , Image by Manuel Migres Placeholder e , Which also includes abduction , And Ruben Calindo In charge of production.

More info: Lucero, from “America’s Bride” to “El Retador” villain?

This week’s schedule of “El Retarder”

New chapter ““It will be provided Sunday, September 19 at 8:30 p.m. (Local time) by TV channel screens. .

If you are not in the Mexican territory, you can watch episodes online on the streaming platform .

This ambitious project will have eight broadcasts, which means it is nearing its final stage.

More info: The time when Lucero and Alex Syntech were paired on a show

What about the Challenger?

A competition program for contestants of all ages each week to showcase their talents in song, dance, acting and imitation. They come from various Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Peru, Uruguay, and Spain.

The competition begins with three thrones: a singing champion, a dance pair and an imitation with a bag of 100,000 pesos. Each week three or more contestants will appear in each category.

The jury will have the task of evaluating them and who will win in each category. “ChallengerAnd he will face the champions and try to take the throne from him with money. Those not selected by the arbitral tribunal will be automatically removed.

Although they are divorced, Lucero and Manuel Mijares maintain a good friendship (Photo: Lucero / Instagram)
Although they are divorced, Lucero and Manuel Mijares maintain a good friendship (Photo: Lucero / Instagram)

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