Children can be infected with RSV and coronavirus at the same time.  “We already have a few of these cases.”

As we wrote on the portal, a dangerous virus attacks children. RSV primarily attacks the youngest – in the first months of life. It starts with a runny nose, cough and stuffy nose. Breathing problems develop later.

As he says today in an interview with Professor Głos Wielkopolski. Magdalena Figlrovic, chief of the department of infectious diseases and pediatric neurology at the Güncher Clinical Hospital, there are still more and more patients with coronavirus in hospitals among children and adolescents. There are also cases of the so-called co-infection, that is, double infection – with both the coronavirus and the RSV virus.

In the past week, there were more than 60 children infected with RSV in the hospital, and there are also cases of co-infection, that is, simultaneous infection with MERS-CoV and RSV. We have had many of these cases before – Explains the professor. Figelrovich. We treat these children the same way we treat respiratory infections. At the moment, I can say that I do not see that the course of this infection is much more severe. But these cases are still too few to draw any unambiguous conclusions – is over.

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