China’s Zhurong rover reveals ancient weather and water traces on Martian rocks

The Zhurong rover is part of China’s first mission to Mars, called Tianwen-1. I landed on the surface of the red planet with a special lander in May. Then he began to explore the area of ​​​​Utopia Planitia – its width is 3.3 thousand square meters. How many basins in the northern hemisphere. Scientists analyzed the data from the car and found interesting facts.

Images taken by cameras aboard the Zhurong rover reveal interesting rock formations on the surface of Mars. A team of researchers led by Liang Ding from the Harbin Institute of Technology in northeastern China has taken a closer look at them. Thanks to this, it was possible to determine which Affected by ancient weather and waterthat previously performed on the red planet.

Panoramic image of Mars taken by the Zhurong rover in 2021.

Photo: CNSA

Panoramic image of Mars taken by the Zhurong rover in 2021.

Gullies and particles carved in the wind have been found in many rocks. Also found items that Confirm the reaction with water or brine.

The Zhurong rover’s initial mission was much shorter. Over time, however, the Chinese I decided to extend it. Until the machine becomes unusable.

At the same time, we invite you to listen to the latest episode of the podcast from a technical point of view. This time, we talked about the activities of Anonymous and the war of disinformation that is also taking place on the Polish network in connection with the Russian attack on Ukraine. Can an ordinary electrode help somehow? You will find the answer below:

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