Chris Rock does the slap joke

A month after receiving a slap in the face for Will Smith in the middle of the Oscars, comedian Chris Rock briefly returns to an incident that took place during a show in London.

Released at 2:40 p.m.

Veronica Larog

Veronica Larog

“It simply came to our notice then. I have the ability to hear with my ears, ”he told a crowd at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Thursday, according to the British daily. Telegraph.

Later, the comedian asked the public to lower their expectations: they would not talk about the elephant in the room. “I’ll talk about it one day … Netflix”, he chain, according to Telegraph And there are other media.

“Your tickets are expensive, but not so much,” the comedian joked.

At the Oscars on March 27, Will Smith, unhappy with his wife’s humor, took to the stage and slapped award-winning Chris Rock. Following a highly publicized incident, the academy’s governing body banned Will Smith for 10 years.

Chris Rock is currently on tour. After the United Kingdom, he travels to France before returning to North America. He will be in Toronto on June 18th. No stops are planned in Montreal.

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