Christmas movies – ranking of the best in history, according to critics.  The platform might surprise you

Christmas gives you the opportunity not only to spend time with your family at the table, but also in front of the TV, relaxing with movies or TV series. There are so many Christmas-themed products every year that poses the problem of wealth, but also makes it difficult to choose the truly noteworthy items.

Critics and the Rotten Tomatoes website come to the rescue, where the percentage of positive reviews is charted. On this basis, a rating of the best products related to the Christmas theme has been created. It was decided to make a list of the 100 best, although, as you will see for yourself, the first of them did not even deserve a red tomato. It should be noted that the place in the ranking consisted not only of the percentage of the result itself, but also of the average ratings or their number (this is crucial in disputed positions related to the same percentage). You can check out the rankings in the galleries below.

There’s no shortage of surprises in the new arrangement, and it’s iconic off the podium Kevin is home aloneor beloved production This is love.

Christmas movies: Ranking of the best places 100-70

Christmas movies: Ranking of the best venues, 69th to 31st

Christmas movies: ranking of the best – 30 places – 1

See also:

Naughty Christmas - what to watch without kids?  22 titles: Wild Knight, Horrors and Comedies That Are Not True with Santa
Letters to M. is a good idea for the holidays.  Reasons to do a movie marathon

no thing


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