Closed trails cause a lot of talk during hunting season

Many quad riders claim their rights are violated because many trails or sections of trails are closed during hunting season. However, the situation is not new.

This method has been around for years. This is necessary because the two functions are simply incompatible. Imagine the controversy between hunters who see quad riders roaming their hunting grounds. I don’t want to witness such a thing.

In a text published on the website of the Fédération québécoise des clubs quad (FQCQ) signed by Louis Gagnon, we quickly understand that many quad riders do not always follow the information.

“ATV riders are a bit of a memory because it’s always the same scene every year. Depending on the field you’re quad training in, there are some divisions that are longer or shorter than 15 days. Hunt dates vary from region to region. So check with your team when this period is most effective in your area. It is important to check with the local club. »

The expert explains in his text that these are closures in specific sectors and not all tracks. These are really small areas that can be closed at the request of the landowners.

“In many cases, they hunt themselves on their land. After all, they are at home. »

Closures and Rights of Way

Several sections of trails pass through zecs territory throughout Quebec. These areas are very popular during the hunting season. Quad riders are required to respect temporary closures so as not to lose rights of way. Same with private land.

In his speech, the FQCQ expert urges people to respect these closures. Every year, when these temporary closures are in place, he wonders why some quad riders defy them. He does not accept the excuse of these criminals who say that they can circulate at any time at the price of paying their rights.

Finally, the message is very simple. Thanks to the work of volunteers and the rights of way provided by companies and landowners, the network of quad trails in Quebec. Without them, there are no paths. During hunting seasons, only a portion of the trails are temporarily closed.

In areas that require temporary closure of sections of trails for hunting, do not take actions that lead to permanent trail closures. There is always a way to get a hike by changing your usual route.

User hunters

It should be noted that during the hunting season, many amateurs use quads, so they should not be confused with hikers. In this particular case, the quad or autoquat become their tools to succeed in hunting or transporting game. Some also use them to hunt small game.

We have to live in harmony and from time to time, some temporary obstacles limit the practice of our favorite activity.

In short

Access rights at a discount

If you get your access right between November 1st and 15th, you’ll save money. It will sell for $330 during this period compared to $360 after the 15th. The annual pass is valid from November 1 to October 31 every year. Summer travel passes are sold for $230 from May 1 to 15 and $250 thereafter. Find out all about it and buy your trail pass online:

An interesting newcomer to BRP

Already well established in the UTV market, BRP’s Defender model now has a very interesting new HD7. Thanks to Adrénaline Sport and the folks at TY Moteurs, I was able to try it out.

In fact, it is considered new because of its motorization. It still has the same storage features, under the passenger seat, its removable glove box and more. It’s a three-passenger seat that turns into two-passenger, and when you lower the center backrest, it becomes a storage space and support for water bottles or the like. In the rear, the three-foot box holds 1000 pounds and the vehicle’s towing capacity is 2500 pounds.

The big difference is the arrival of a new 650cc engine, the first of its kind to be fitted to this vehicle. I found it quieter, more economical and more agile. It responds instantly to your commands. Indeed, with the vehicle, BRP marks the time in this category of market.

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