Collaboration with PiS is the limit

Today, the limit that cannot be crossed is cooperation with the PiS. I do not deal with the Law and Justice Party as an ordinary party that wins power democratically and then abandons it democratically, and adheres to constitutional solutions. Leszek Miller said in the pages of “Wolna Sobota”, an appendix of the “Gazeta Wyborcza”, that it is a systemic party of revolution, and instead of liberal democracy it introduces electoral despotism, then the time of dictatorship will come.

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Everyone already says that we have a Russian order in Poland, but in the eyes of the people it does not cause any re-evaluation

He said I’ll be a miller.

Old Europe is disappointed with the member states of Central and Eastern Europe, and there are opinions to get rid of those with whom there are problems

He referred to the “democratic” ideas typical of the European extreme left.

The PiS itself pursues a policy of separating from the European Union, moving away from the principles of liberal democracy, violating the tripartite division of powers, the absolute power of the system, building a single center for political action – because this is how Kaczynski imagines the proper course of action. condition

He argued.

They don’t accept Biden’s America because they don’t accept liberal democracy

– added.

Kaczyński is a very dangerous man.”

Kaczyński is a very dangerous man, only the European Union still bothers him – without him, he would be able to do what he wanted. Right now, the European Union warns against violating the rule of law, gives us different deadlines, gives us an ultimatum, and waits. Unnecessarily, but it is a Western culture of compromise. However, if PiS does not get the money, they will organize new hate campaigns towards the EU, because in order to get out of it, they must get support in the opinion polls

– He argued.

When asked about what Kaczynski Take us out of the union, Leszek Miller replied by highlighting leftist ambitions:

to rule for a long time. Fundamentally transforming the political system of our country. And I’m a new man.

When asked, he explained:

A man without thinking swallows everything the propaganda throws.

Miller is also annoyed by the idea three sailors:

Not by chance [Kaczyńskiemu – red.] He talks about the Three Seas Initiative, a concept developed by Józef Piłsudski of Intermarium before World War I, assuming the creation of a strong union of Central and Eastern European countries. At that time it was supposed to be a buffer zone between Russia and Germany, but today it does not make sense, because Germany is not our enemy.

My colleagues and I participated in a peaceful pro-democracy revolution”

He referred to the PO-PSL rule with emotion:

Until 2015, everyone who ruled tried to stick to the constitution, assuming that one day you’d have to leave and you shouldn’t be doing things illegal because you’re paying for it. But PiS is behaving as if it has been guaranteed several terms in office.

Meanwhile, the “not doing illegal things” by the PO-PSL team is determined by the number of scandals with files in prosecutors’ offices and courts throughout Poland. But Leszek Miller believes PiS politicians “should be imprisoned”.

Democracy, that is, freedom and human rights, must be protected, and their violation is punishable by law. There should be a cautionary tale for everyone for the future


My colleagues and I participated in a peaceful pro-democracy revolution, while the elite of the Law and Justice Party participated in an anti-democratic revolution. What we’ve all been building together since 1989, PiS has destroyed. He demoralized not only the authorities, but also a large part of society. And they have to take responsibility

– he argued, as if the Poles had forgotten what this “peaceful pro-democratic revolution” was and how it ended for many of them.

The former head of the Sudan Democratic Liberation Party threatened the possibility of bloodshed.

When asked about circumstantial limits, Miller replied:

They do not exist. Everyone has to set their own limits.

When asked where he put himself, he said:

Today, the insurmountable limit is cooperation with the PiS. I do not deal with the Law and Justice Party as an ordinary party that wins power democratically and then abandons it democratically, and adheres to constitutional solutions. It is a systemic party of revolution, and instead of liberal democracy, it has introduced electoral tyranny, and then the time of dictatorship will come.

aw / Gazeta Wyborcza / Wolna Sobota

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