Collegium Humanum formulates the “talents” of PiS.  MBA in 3 months, Obajtek’s brother among the graduates

Apparently “NEWSWEEK‘, the university allows you to quickly complete MBA studies – but only for relevant people law and justice. These people finish their studies after only two or three months.

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Collegium humanum. Diploma for PiS politicians in just two to three months. Then jobs in state-owned enterprises

Collegium Humanum is little known to the public polishing The school. I started working in 2018 in Warsaw. Then it developed its branches in Rzeszowin Poznan WroclawAs well as in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Uzbekistan. The rector of the university is Pawe Czarnecki – a Catholic theologian who was accused a few years ago of plagiarism of his doctoral thesis (after an administrative action, the Theological College Board of the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw terminated the proceedings in this case, and he was awarded the title of doctor). He has a great influence among Policy PISand a member of the convention, among others, the MEP of this group – Ryszard Czarnecki, who promotes the university in the world.

According to information provided to Newsweek by an employee of the university secretariat, people closely associated with PiS can count on exceptional circumstances to obtain a diploma. – The material is processed by yourself, then you have to write a final thesis. The topic is invented, the rector accepts it, and then there is an exam. You can finish your studies very quickly. Even in two or three months – said a woman working at the university.

People associated with PiS often opt for Master of Business Administration (MBA) studies. Obtaining a diploma in this field is one of the requirements that a candidate for a supervisory board member in a company with participation must meet Cabinet. The graduate list includes many Law and Justice politicians working for state-owned companies.

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Collegium humanum. Among the graduates, Obajtek’s brother and Andrzej Duda’s uncle

According to the results of “Newsweek”, the recipients of the diploma of Collegium humanum are:

  • Bartłomiej Obajtek – Director of State Forests, brother Daniel Obajtik;
  • Anthony Duda – member of the Supervisory Board of PKP Cargo, uncle of President Duda;
  • Marcin Drewa and Piotr Karczewski – social advisers to President Andrzej Duda;
  • Marcin Dec – publisher of the Orlen-affiliated Polska Press group;
  • Zofia Maria Paryła – present on the board of directors of LOTOS;
  • Robert Bernays – Member of the Board of Directors of the company that will rebuild the Sasuke Palace.

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