Colors of Happiness Episode 2542: Stefan Gorka’s Farewell.  Krzysztof Kiersznowski died for the last time in the series.  Stefan will disappear on the day of Kasia’s return

Colors of Happiness Episode 2542: Stefan Gorka's Farewell.  Krzysztof Kiersznowski died for the last time in the series.  Stefan will disappear on the day of Kasia's return
Author: Artrama
Colors of Happiness Episode 2542: Stefan Gorka’s Farewell. Krzysztof Kiersznowski died for the last time in the series. Stefan will disappear on the day of Kasia’s return

Stefan Gorka, played by the late Krzysztof Kiersznowski will disappear forever in episode 2542. The 71-year-old actor passed away on October 24, but he will continue on screen in the episode that will air on TVP2 on Thursday 12/30/2021. Stefan’s farewell to “Colors of Happiness” will be poignant and unique regarding the return of his daughter Kasia (Katarzyna Glinka) to Poland. Dead Kiersznowski will not miss episode 2542 “The Colors of Happiness”, but in tragic circumstances. Because Stefan is going to ride his motorcycle and go for a ride. He won’t show up at the party for Cassia and no one will ever know what happened to Stefan!

Episode 2542 of Krzysztof Kiersznowski’s “Colors of Happiness” delayed for the last time on screen – Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 20.10 on TVP2

Almost two months have passed since the death of Krzysztof Kersnovsky, but in the series “Colors of Happiness” Stefan Gorka is still present in the tragic scenes related to the disappearance of his daughter Cassia after the earthquake in Sicily. In the final episode of “Colors of Happiness” in 2021, i.e. episode 2542, the creators will officially bid farewell to Stefan Gorka. There will be a lot of feelings, joy and fear in the life of Stefan, who will suddenly disappear somewhere on the day Kasia returns from Sicily. Gorka will ride his motorcycle he got from his friend Vincenzo (Alessandro Corti) and get lost. Even Valeria will not be able to see where Stefan is and what happened to him.

In episode 2542 of “The Colors of Happiness”, Kasia will finally return to her home. For this reason, family and close friends throw a lavish welcome party. However, Cassia’s father will not be present at the party. Everyone will shudder that Stefan has not yet returned from his motorcycle ride. His wife Waleria (Ewa Ziętek) will begin to fear that Stefan has run away for fear of talking about their future and that he may have had an accident on a motorcycle. Fear for Stefan will also catch Kasia and ukasz (Michał Rolnicki), who will also be spoiled by sexy journalists. After the tragedy that Kasia survived under the rubble in Sicily, everyone will want to know the details of the struggle for life after the earthquake!

After the death of Krzysztof Kiersznowski, does his hero Stefan die in the accident of 2542 episodes of “Colors of Happiness”? None of these things! Stefan’s disappearance will end happily. Górka will announce that after his dramatic experiences with Kasia and a long and painful breakup with Waleria, he has made an important decision. The ceremony in honor of Kasia in episode 2542 of “Colors of Happiness” will also be a farewell to Stefan, who will decide to go with Waleria to Norway.

These will be the last scenes of the late Kiersznowski in “Colors of Happiness”. When the late actor recorded it this summer, he knew he was dying, and that the disease he had fought with for years would end in death. The sick Kiersznowski was faint and weak, but he wanted to say goodbye to the “colors of happiness” in such a way that not only everyone remembered about him, but also Stefan. The last 2542 episode of “Colors of Happiness” with Kiersznowski will give viewers a lot of emotions.

Krzysztof Kiersznowski’s last moments before his death on the set The Colors of Happiness. He Already Knew He Was Dying – Video

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