Companies cease operations.  This is how they try to wait out problems

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See also: The head of Volvo in Poland talks about the unstoppable revolution

Most often, these are companies from the following industries: construction, commercial, industrial, scientific, research, HoReCa – we read them every day.

Surprising and very bad news for Polish society is the emergence of the scientific and research industry in a high position. In total, just over 24 thousand operations will be suspended in 2023. Such companies, which indicates serious financial problems and translates into a slowdown in innovation of Polish companies – says Tomasz Starzyk, spokesman for Dun & Bradstreet Poland, in an interview with “ RZ.”

The most dynamic growth in the number of suspended activities was in the HoReCa sector. In 2023, nearly 17,000 are stuck here. companies, which compared to 2022 is an increase of almost 260%. – According to data published by the daily.

Stores are disappearing one by one

In the retail industry, online stores are increasingly suspending or closing their operations. According to experts, this is the result of high competition in the market, which means that many companies cannot survive. Traditional stores also face problems: on the one hand, several thousand of them disappear every year, and on the other hand, thousands more are suspended. – We read in “Rz”.

Suspending operations gives entrepreneurs a chance to wait out the worst moments. Many businesses are overwhelmed by rapidly increasing operating costs, which the government wants to counter by making changes, among other things, in the health insurance premium. Businessmen are waiting for these solutions, reports daily.

The economic activity

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