People who follow my scripts well will know that I have the best memories related to video games with the computer platform. I grew up on it and in fact until 2022 I had a lot of affection for it, even often playing multi-platform titles on my ‘plate’. I’ve only changed my style in recent months, switching almost entirely to consoles.
With each passing year, I notice that developers are getting worse at improving their gems for PC. It is understood that adapting a title to a set of specifications – for example, starting with an AMD processor with a Radeon or Nvidia card, through an Intel processor and an Intel or Nvidia graphics card, and ending with an Intel Core processor in a combination with an AMD GPU – is not the easiest task, but in Lately some creators have outdone themselves.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is to blame

Had some issues with New World, Dying Light 2 Stay Human, and now The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in full version has been added to this collection with graphical improvements I wanted to check out my collection… Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Which brought me closer to the conclusion that the ideal tech layer for Call of Duty Modern Warfare from 2019 from Infinity Ward would have to be a one-time side hop.
Namely, Modern Warfare II, during every cutscene, catapulted me to my desktop with a driver error message. Once I started a story campaign or a multiplayer match, after literally a few minutes the game would always crash. The game was impossible, even after downloading updates, new driver versions, reinstalling the game, changing the data in the registry – nothing helped.
After 3 days of searching for the cause, it turns out that the app is completely unable to handle my RAM bonesWhich does not belong to non-standard products and, I would say, is very popular among users (we are talking about the Corsair Vengeance 3000 MHz model). XMP technology (acceleration) was activated in the RAM and only after disabling this function in the BIOS was it possible to play. Crashes continued to occur, but much less often, because once every few hours. The biggest problem later in the game was the production optimization itself, because on the RTX 3060 Ti graphics card it was impossible to enjoy smooth running at 60fps at 1440p. Jumping between 30 and 70 fps isn’t a fun thing to do, especially in a shooter.
Coming years led consoles?

Total in this text is not the most important thing, how many problems you had with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. At some point during the “repair” of the Activision shooter on PC, I looked at the PS5 console and guessed how good the production’s first impression would be on me if I bought it in the console version. It is enough to insert the disc, download the game, and then sit back comfortably and not worry about any errors, as well as graphics and fluidity.
Not only is the gameplay on consoles – to put it simply – much simpler, but also more enjoyable in most cases. Having a PC for several thousand, you can get a better visual setup from it, but … Few people can afford to buy the RTX 40xx series, and even if they did, they couldn’t forget about the rest of the components, because a great processor and good RAM also cost money . I once bought an RTX 3060 Ti for over 2,000 PLN, the same amount I spent on a PlayStation 5 console.
2022 was a year of transition for me and it was kind of a farewell to the PC platform. I’m not going to lie – with each following month I bugged my computer more and more as soon as I launched a major show on it. And these are the aforementioned limitations in graphics, which often also result from, among other things, poor implementation of Nvidia DLSS technology (in CoD: MW 2 they practically did not exist), bugs or the so-called “zwiechy” throwing on the desktop . ..a little too much.
Well – I will now buy multiplatform titles in the console version, and for exclusive games created specifically for PC I will have to somehow force myself – fortunately, there are not so many of them. Who knows, maybe in the coming years my love for personal computers will return, thanks to the above items. However, I feel that for the next several months my priority will be Sony and Microsoft equipment.
“Prone to fits of apathy. Introvert. Award-winning internet evangelist. Extreme beer expert.”