Continuing personnel changes at Azoty

Personnel changes are currently taking place at the largest Polish chemical company and its subsidiaries. Hubert Kamola has joined the Board of Directors of Grupa Azoty. On the same day, the board of directors of Grupa Azoty Puławy was dismissed, and Hubert Kamola was appointed interim president.

Personnel changes are currently underway at the largest Polish chemical company, Grupa Azoty and its subsidiaries.

Hubert Kamola has been appointed Vice President of Grupa Azoty

The Board of Directors of Grupa Azoty announced on Friday evening (April 12) the appointment of Hubert Kamola as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. He will perform his duties as of April 13, 2024.

Hubert Kamola previously served as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Azoty and, as of March 20, was a member authorized to carry out the duties of Vice Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors. He has now resigned from the Supervisory Board and assumed the full duties of Vice President of Grupa Azoty.

Thus, the current board of directors of the largest Polish chemical company consists of seven people. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is Adam Leszkiewicz, with Vice-Chairmen Pawel Bielski, Andrzej Dawidowski, Hubert Kamola, Krzysztof Kolodziejczyk, Andrzej Skolemowski and Zbigniew Paprocki.

Adam Leszkiewicz becomes President of Grupa Azoty

The current bosses of Azoty Puławy were dismissed. The interim president is Hubert Kamola

However, this is not the end of personnel changes at the Chemical Group. On Friday, the composition of the Board of Directors of Grupa Azoty's subsidiary, the Puławy plant, was also replaced.

On April 12, the Supervisory Board of Grupa Azoty Puławy expelled from their positions the current members of the company's Board of Directors: Vice President Justyna Majśnierović, who served as Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vice President Pawel Preda and Vice President Jacek Janicek. .

The decisions entered into force immediately after their adoption, and on the same day the Supervisory Board delegated Hubert Kamola, a member of the Supervisory Board, to carry out the duties of Chairman.

The manager joined the Supervisory Board of Grupa Azoty Puławy only one day ago, when there were significant staff changes in its composition. We wrote more about it here:

Grupa Azoty Puławy operates in two sectors: fertilizer products and chemicals

Hubert Kamola will temporarily serve as President until the qualification proceedings are resolved and a new President is appointed.

Following these decisions, the current Board of Directors of Grupa Azoty Puławy consists of two members: Hubert Kamola, delegated from the Supervisory Board to perform the duties of Chairman, and Andrzej Skwarek, member of the Board of Directors.

Grupa Azoty Puławy operates in two sectors: fertilizer products and chemicals. It is the only producer of melamine in Poland and the third largest in the world. It is also the country's leading producer of caprolactam, nitrogen fertilizers, nitrates and urea.

Hubert Kamola is a manager who has been associated with the chemical and fertilizer industry for 20 years. He started his career with Azoty Puławy in 2007.

The largest shareholder of Grupa Azoty Puławy is Grupa Azoty, which owns 95 percent. Shares in which the state treasury owns the largest block of shares (33%).

The head of the largest chemical company was Adam Leszkiewicz, a well-known person in chemistry, because before the arrival of the right-wing government, he was the head of the Zekladi Azoto Kedzerzyn company.
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