Conversion rate. How much is the dollar, euro and Swiss franc?

dollar At 17.28 it was rated as 3.93 Polish zloty It rose 0.03 percent. In relation to the Polish currency.

euro Boosted by 0.36%. Costs approximately 4.30 PLN.

On the other side Swiss Franc Up 1.05% You had to pay for the Swiss currency 4.44 Polish Zloty

US Dollar/Polish Zloty

  • Purchase rate

  • Sales rate

  • the above

  • minimum

  • Average exchange rate

  • Reference price

Euro/Polish Zloty

  • Purchase rate

  • Sales rate

  • the above

  • minimum

  • Average exchange rate

  • Reference price

Swiss Franc/Polish Zloty

  • Purchase rate

  • Sales rate

  • the above

  • minimum

  • Average exchange rate

  • Reference price

For comparison – on Wednesday morning around 8:00 am on the currency market, the euro was worth 4.28 PLN, the dollar 3.92 PLN, and the Swiss franc 4.39 PLN.

Analysts expect a decision this week. European Central Bank related Eurozone interest rates. We will meet her on Thursday afternoon. “Since no change in interest rates is expected, attention will focus on the bank’s announcements on Thursday. Investors will be watching for suggestions on a possible move in September and the pace of cuts. President Lagarde’s comments on this topic will be of particular interest,” comment Ebori analysts.

In their view, Christine Lagarde “will again point out that decisions need to be made from meeting to meeting and based on data. Two more inflation readings and a lot of other data will be published before the September meeting, so we think Lagarde will not do that.” They want to limit the ECB’s options with very clear guidance on further action.

“The September rate cut is almost 90% priced into the swap markets,” they add. Therefore, they do not expect a major sell-off in the euro, even if Lagarde publicly announces a rate cut in two months.

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