Could Dune be the new Lord of the Rings?  Part 1 is a great start

It’s been about 24 hours since the end of “Dunes” I was in the cinema. day approx. And The important thing is that the tension still holds me back related to watching this production. In fact, I’m glad I took the time to start writing this text. why? Well, if you started right away when you got home, it would probably be something like a ‘praise review’. We already have the evaluation text (here), and it’s not about issuing a card.

The important thing in all of this is that I don’t belong to the “Daniarzi” group in any way (By the way, more interesting than the name itself is Dirty Storm, which flowed through my pop culture bubble – fights fiercer than Arrakis), and I didn’t wait long for it to debut. Each postponement of the premiere was a little less than “indifference” to me, and I watched the trailers, because it was a little disrupted by my profession.

I started the book, I never finished. The only thing I have is relatively pleasant memories of some scenes and getting used to the name Atreides on Atryda’s account (causing quite a stir under one of the news). I went anyway. A little afraid, a little unmoved, and yet a little curious. After all, we are talking about something that was supposed to start a new era in the fantasy genre. and what? Wow.

A revolution of this kind

As I mentioned I will not write a review here. However, it is appropriate to dedicate at least one paragraph to sharing your happiness. There is something to be resolved. From the fantastic visuals and scenography, through to Hans Zimmer’s phenomenal music and sound effects, to the fantastic cast and the wonderful “update” of themes originally raised by Herbert himself. I am intrigued, I will not hide.

day 1

However, there is no doubt that this is not a production for everyone. The work is developing slowly, Or suffice it to say that the 2.5 hours they spend in the cinema is only the first part. Several scenes were extended and some parts seemed to slow down. Is it wrong? not at all. For me, it was an action that perfectly emphasized the production tone. If the weather is consistent with the emotions conveyed by the characters, why can’t speed do it?

Already during the movie this happened to me I had similar feelings during the screening of The Lord of the Rings.. Either way, the pace of development of the procedure was something to set the mood, and in both cases we were dealing with something that was somewhat ahead of its time. Nor am I afraid to say – although it could be taken as abuse – that either way we can speak of a revolution in the fantasy genre. However, this is still only the first part.

This is only the beginning

And just as in the case of “The Lord of the Rings” movie, “Dunes” is also supposed to be a trilogy. Okay, At least that’s what Denis Villeneuve assumes for the time beinge. Given receipt of the first edition, it is safe to assume that Warner Bros. He has already assured the manager that he will give him what he needs so that he can move forward with the project. The beginning of the dream? Even if it wasn’t, he’s very close to it.

the second day

The difference between the two triples (One of two decades and just being born) is of course the fact that while in the first case we can watch each movie separately, in the second … well, in “Dune” we didn’t get any finals. There is no punch line. And even though this is a road movie, we don’t see its end, and there’s not even a horizon where the finish line looms. This is the biggest obstacle at the moment.

It is difficult to judge a work without knowing the end. At the moment, a lot seems to suggest that Paul’s trilogy will be written in large letters on the pages of a fairy tale. I get the impression that we’ve had to wait twenty years for a movie that offers a similar level of refinement, similar quality to the original book adaptation, and something very ambitious in the genre.

to summarise

I’m so attentive I probably go too deep for a lot of peopleComparing the debut of “Dunes” to the iconic “Lord of the Rings” game. But to me, it’s a similar measure and event that has a similar impact on society. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many people talking about one topic. Last time when it came to cinema, it was probably “Avengers: End of the Game”, but let’s face it – it’s a “phenomenon” of a completely different kind.

day 3

I get the impression that if everything goes in the right direction, then In a dozen years or so, we’ll remember the TrilogyAnd praise versions increased to 16 thousand and other goodies. As long as the universe isn’t cluttered with dozens of episodic elements, series, and animations, the whole thing could be something special for years. Star Wars was a pioneer in the field of science fiction, but their rituals – in the context of the first trilogy – are unclear due to the flow of material.

And although I personally have nothing to expand any universe – Especially since in the “Dune” there are already a lot of options for that Personally, I would like the trilogy to operate as a separate entity. I hope we don’t have to play with Paul’s sons or the distant cousins ​​of the Baron or the lost brothers of Leto Atreda later. Let the side strands appear, but they are far from the ones we have today.

I think this story will end the way it began, which is great. The new Lord of the Rings? Everything points to it. Got a lot of praise? Maybe yes, but it’s hard to put too much joy aside.

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