Could we be any happier?  |  The Journal of Montreal

Yesterday morning, December 5, while a brutal war was raging in Europe, we didn’t know how it would end, we found out on the front page. want A Journalist’s Letter to India Thanking Transat International Journalism Fund for SupportDuty. His report recorded the plight of some transgenders in Tamil Nadu who were victims of prejudice!

Last week, Jacques Frémont, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the University of OttawaIt is still raging, especially with the expulsion of Radio-Canada journalists from the venue where the Chinese ambassador was invited to address the students.

This exodus met the ambassador’s request of the world’s largest and most powerful dictatorship.

We also recently learned that the director general of the National Gallery of Canada, Angela Causey, who was appointed last June, has fired four of the institution’s executives.

As the museum is in “transformation mode,” according to his description, he wants to further diversify and decolonize the museum.

  • Listen to Denise Bombardier’s column on the Richard Martino show QUB-Radio :

It is clear that Angela Cassie, who has no training in museums, wants to impose an Aboriginal way of thinking about the museum’s management and programming.

In other words, he wants to involve the tribal people more and share the development of the museum with them.


If we understand this language correctly, there is a risk that white painters, however brilliant they may be, do not meet the criteria of an executive director general whose only experience is managing a Canadian museum in which no one has rights.

Fine arts were not his area of ​​expertise.

Justin Trudeau’s diversity policy is gradually spreading its tentacles across most cultural institutions in Canada.

We are familiar with Société Radio-Canada’s specifications in this regard. The document was not without creating tensions within the various services.

From banning certain words on the air, to setting up discussion panels based on criteria of skin color, religion, gender or race, the new practices lead, like it or not, to reflections of self-censorship.

Word censoring weighs heavily.

Do we realize that speaking has become a trap?

I notice a lack of serious debates and places to debate because of the lack of real public debate. Intelligent, determined and open minded.


Nowadays, insults and incitement have replaced the conversation and one prefers to remain silent.

We no longer want to argue, confirm ourselves, or doubt out loud.

Do you have to stay away from the media completely to be happy?

Because as soon as we follow the news, let us occupy ourselves with the media that spins all the dramas of the world, we know no rest.

Taking is mandatory.

December takes us back to childhood nostalgia. Familiar songs reappear.

Whether we are believers or not, there is no harm in recalling our past dreams. And to rediscover the will to love those we love. We were all Christmas kids.

Don’t miss this hopeful meeting.

My best wishes to you, dear readers. See you in early 2023.

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