Daniel Obagetek has resigned from the Supervisory Board of Energa.  He did not give a reason

Energa’s board of directors reports that at day December 21, 2022 Daniel Obagetek Submit a statement of resignation from the position of a member of the supervisory board of the company on the same day. The statement was made without giving reasons for the resignation.” We read in the Energi announcement.

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Daniel Obajtek on the supervisory board of Energa has not been paid

The company mentioned it PKN Orleni.e. the majority shareholder,” has filed a statement on appointment in accordance with Article 385 Paragraph 2 of the Commercial Companies Law and Article 17 Section 3 of the Articles of Association of the Company effective December 22, 2022 to the Supervisory Board of the Joint Sixth Session Company for the position of the following persons: Costs Agnieszka Sylwia Żyro and Pawe Wiktor”.

More information from Poland You can read on the home page of Gazeta.pl

Daniel Obagetek has been named a member of the Energa Supervisory Board April 20, 2022. Then it was noted that the president Orlin It will do its job without downloading a wage.

Mr. Daniel Obagetic is not involved in any form of activity competing with Energa SA, he is not involved in any competitive company as a partner in a partnership, civil law partnership or as a member of the body of a capital company, he is not involved in any other competing legal person as a member of his body, It is also not included in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in accordance with the National Court Register Act

– stated in the letter.

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Daniel Obagetek served as interim CEO of Energa

Daniel Obajtek was also the interim president of Energa, and he didn’t receive any pay for it either. He held the position from July 22 to August 31, 2022, and from September 1, he was Chairman of energy She is Sophie Paris. energy, a group Lotos and PGNiG are part of the group Orlin After the acquisitions made by PKN Orlen.

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