Daniel Obajtic may lose his bonus from Orlen.  “Negative impact on results”

“The decision results from the negative impact of the decisions made by members of the bodies performing their functions in 2023 on the company’s financial results and operational activities,” Orlin’s board of directors said in response to questions from the TVN24 editorial team.

The total remuneration of a member of the Orlen Board of Directors consists of a fixed portion, a variable portion and additional benefits. In this case, members will not receive the variable part, i.e. the bonus.

Continued article below the video

Huge profits for Orlin’s former board of directors. Daniel Obajtek received the highest salary

Orlen’s board members received a total of between PLN 1.44 million and PLN 2.79 million in 2023, according to the company’s supervisory board report published by the company on Tuesday. The highest reward – PLN 2.79 million – went to former president Daniil Obajtek.

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